25. The Family Letters

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You waited patiently with Dustin, Steve and Lucas whilst Max visited her mums trailer. You didn't know if she'd be in or not but Max had reassured you that she'd just drop off the letters no matter what.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Lucas asked, leaning forwards to speak to the lot of you.

"Well, she says she's only going to be 'twenty seconds'," You pointed out, "What's the chances that Vecna will get to her in that time?"

"He could." Lucas replied.

"So why don't we go with her?" Dustin piped up.

"Look, we've got to give her space." Steve argued, "She's going through a tough time, we need to trust her, besides, her talking to her mum is a personal matter. I don't want to interrupt that."

"Fair enough." You sat back into your seat, mindlessly staring out the window towards Eddie's cabin.

"It's boring waiting here though, I'll give you that." Steve joked, turning to face you all.

"I concur." Dustin added.

"I'm just gonna pretend I know what that means." Steve muttered, making you laugh.

Silence filled the car afterwards. You almost dozed off again. Suddenly, Steve's voice broke the quiet.

"That things got batteries in it right?" His eyes were fixed on Dustin's walkie, "It's been.. really quiet actually."

Dustin just rolled his eyes, "I'm not even answering that question."

Steve continued staring at him.

"Yes, it had batteries." Dustin confirmed.

"Yeah, yeah, I've got it." Steve probably felt quite dumb in that moment and you felt bad for him.

Steve and Dustin had a really sweet relationship, it was like they were brothers.

"To be honest, it has been quiet." You agreed with Steve, "And it's definitely been longer than twenty seconds right now."

"It's been five minutes actually.." Lucas said, looking a bit worried.

"Do you think Vecna's got to her?" Dustin also looked worried.

"Alright, maybe we should check on her." Steve began to climb out of the car so you did likewise.

You were starting to freak out a little now, you weren't going to let Vecna get to Max this time.

But then, just as you were opening the car door, you saw a familiar ginger haired girl striding towards you.

She looked scared and was breathing heavily, so she was frightened but at least she was alive.

"That was longer than twenty seconds." Steve said, looking at Max with concern.

She didn't answer, she just went to pull open the car door.

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, are you alright?" He asked. Steve was honestly a lot kinder than you remembered him being when he went out with Chrissy.

"I'm fine. Just drive." Max said, getting inside of the car.

You all did the same.

"Did something happen?" Dustin spoke as the engine sputtered into life.

"Can we please just go?" Max continued, looking stressed.

You were right next to her, you could've said something to reassure her but you didn't know what to do or say.

So, as always, the car journey was an awkward silence, yet again.

An awkwardly silent trip to a graveyard.

A/n- I swore to never write romance on this app because of the embarrassment if anyone found it but I honestly feel like writing some Stranger Things one shots so lmk if any of you would be interested

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