15. The Witness

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Steve's car trailed the police cars, stopping on the first corner before the trailer park so that you wouldn't look too suspicious.

You had to leave Eddie at the shack for obvious reasons. He seemed alright though, you fixed the stereo for him earlier and that was really all he needed.

You slammed the car door shut behind you, leading the others towards the new crime scene. It was near the trailer park but not exactly in it.

All the barriers, cars and officers were positioned around the main road. Bright lights stood out in the broad daylight as the crime scene bustled with forensic scientists.

It seemed the officers even had a couple of witnesses to interview already. In fact, one of those witnesses looked familiar.

"Isn't that.. uh.. Mike's sister." You point to a young girl with brown curly hair. You could just make out her face from this distance.

She gave a small wave when she noticed Steve. That made sense since they did go out a while back. Although, you thought she went out with Johnathan now.

Hmm. Strange.

"Nancy?" Dustin was just catching up. He gave her a big wave. Steve simply just rolled his eyes.

Once the police had finished with Nancy, she hurried over, intent on hearing why you all were here.

The lot of you walked towards the trailer park and sat on the bench to reassess the situation.

"I'm sorry but uh... who's she?" Nancy asked, pointing to you like you were an object.

"I'm Chrissy's sister." You grinned at her in a way that was almost meant to intimidate her. You didn't like her attitude with you, however, you still respected her as a person.

Nancy looked taken aback by what you'd said. As expected.

"Oh.. erm.. so back to what Dustin was saying... err... weren't you saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy is from the upside down?" She changed the conversation topic. You didn't blame her.

"If the shoe fits." Steve said.

"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse." Dustin said, unsurely, "Now whether or not he's doing the bidding of the mindflayer or just loves killing teens we don't know."

"You do realise how nerdy this all makes you sound?" You say, almost smirking.

"Well, I hate to break it to you Y/n, but, I am a nerd." Dustin grinned back at you before turning the conversation back to serious.

"It's.. something new." Max muttered.

"Doesn't make sense." Nancy blurted, looking down at the table as if she was trying to work out something, "Chrissy and Fred don't make sense. I mean, why them?"

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Dustin suggested.

"They were both at the game and near the trailer park." You pointed out, feeling quite proud of yourself for figuring something out.

"We're at the trailer park." Steve said.

"Uhhh... should we maybe not be here?" Dustin asked, suddenly looking unsure.

"There is something about this place," Nancy added, "Fred started acting strange the moment he got here."

"Acting weird as in... scared?" Robin asked, her hair toddling in the wind.

"On edge.. upset.." Nancy listed.

"Max said Chrissy was upset too." Dustin spoke as if he was onto something. Maybe he was.

"Yeah but not here. She was crying in the bathrooms at school." Max said.

"Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?" Robin began, "So maybe this Vecman dude before."

"I don't know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster I'd tell someone." Steve said.

"You have a point." You nodded.

"Thank you." Steve grinned back at you sarcastically.

"Wait.. maybe they did tell someone." Max said. She was definitely onto something.

"They both go to Mrs Kelley. They might've told her!" You shouted out.

"Exactly." Max grinned, happy you were on the same wavelength as her.

"Who's Mrs Kelley?" Steve asked.

"Practically the school shrink." Robin answered, sipping her drink. Eddie's left overs.

So... you were off to visit the school psychiatrist... in the middle of spring break?

A/n- Is it just me who thinks Jonathan and Nancy is a better couple than Steve and Nancy? Cuz I just feel like that's better and they fit more.

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