I pause and look at her uniform and her perfect hair and ask, "If you're not going to leave, do you want me to spill my smoothie all over you?" I threaten as I take my bottle from my side pocket. She gulps and straightens her posture, "You won't need to do that." She flips her hair in my face and a whiff of synthetic extension and hair spray slaps my nose. I grimace as she walks away with her two stooges following her. I look around the room to the remaining students and walk towards them, doing a throwing motion with my open bottle. "What are you looking at?"

"Ew! Get away from me!"

"Okay, crazy bitch!"

And all the students leave, leaving F2 standing near the staircase, amused at my method of madness. Kavin and MJ walk towards me and I point at my bottle, "Do you want me to throw this one you?"

MJ raises his hands in front of him, "Please, no. We come in peace. We're on your side."

"Really?" I say looking at both of them to see if they're lying. Kavin smirks and takes the bottle from my hands, unbeknownst to me, "Don't worry. You've scared everyone off. Even your friend." How did he do that?

Kavin noticed my puzzled face and motions to his lips, "It's my smile," he says and winks at me. I gave him a dubious look, and snatched my bottle back from him. I turn around to see that Gorya disappeared. I began to walk away to find Gorya but, MJ grips onto my backpack handle.

"Not so fast."

I groan, clearly annoyed, "Can you let me go? I need to find her and see if she's okay."

"Help us and we'll help you. We'll help with finding who did this." Kavin says to me. I turn to both of them, MJ letting go of my strap. I raise an eyebrow and ask, "You also think Gorya was framed?"

MJ nodded, bringing a finger to his chin, "Anyone would know Gorya wouldn't do something like this."

"Well, your friend did. If I hadn't had so much self-restraint, I would've spilled my smoothie on him for saying that to Gorya." I say as I stretch my arms by jolting them in front of me.

"And, we believe you. Thyme is a little...naive. So, please don't hold it against him." Kavin says to me. I narrow my eyes and say, "I'll cut him some slack if he apologizes to her." He asks me, "Do you know why she was at the club? I recognize it to be one of the clubs I frequent to."

I shrugged, "She never told me. I didn't know she was involved in any clubs until now like everyone else."

MJ nods and claps his hands together, "Well. Let's get to it. Let's clear Gorya's name." He looks between me and Kavin and asks, "What's our first move?"

Both guys look toward me, and I point at the sign, "First things first, help me take down the photos."


As soon as we finished taking all the pictures and defaming notes down, we all sit at F4's exclusive patio in the school. I sit on one of the couches and whistle, "I didn't know you guys had food and drinks up here."

MJ extends his arms and says, "Welcome to our exclusive 'patio'.

I shook my head as I munched on some grapes, "The privilege they give you is insane."

Kavin sits in the arm chair and MJ sits on the arm rest. Kavin clears his throat, "Ok, let's form a plan then. Do you have any idea to who might do this?"

I take some grapes in my hand and continue eating as, I think. "It's not Jane. I don't think she'd waste her time doing this to Gorya despite...her clear hatred for her. I don't think it's anyone from our school. Maybe a fan from one of your fan clubs?"

Unrequited II F4 ThailandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang