Chapter 13: Quarrel

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The door swung open behind her and Leo stepped in.

"Cora. What are you doing in here?" He asked.

"Uhh..." Cora looked around him to see if Splinter was there. "I was trying to stay away from Splinter."


"Why do you ask so many questions?" She retorted, trying to lighten the mood.

Leo glared. "This isn't the time for joking around, Cora. We needed your help today."

Cora frowned. "I didn't have many cameras, I tried to-"

"Really? Raph and Casey got attacked right outside the theater. I had Donnie check. There was a camera there." Leo told her.

"What are you trying to imply?" Cora demanded. "That I was goofing off during a mission?"

"I don't know what you were doing, but it wasn't watching Raph and Casey. Rocksteady attacked them in plain sight. If you had bern focused, you could have warned them or called for backup." Leo crossed his arms in disapproval.

Cora's bottled temper suddenly caught on fire and she stood up, stepping closer to Leo. "I wasn't watching because I talking to you!"

"Why? Raph and Casey could have told me they were done themselves!" Leo argued.

"I was trying to be helpful!" Cora glowered.

Leo stepped forward. "Well stop! You're not helping anyone!"

"Don't you think I know how useless I am!? It doesn't change anything for everyone to be constantly reminding me!" She seethed. "And of all people, I thought you'd accept what I can do!"

"And I thought you'd have our backs! April, Donnie, Raph, and Casey were taken down and we had no idea!" Leo fumed.

"I'm trying my hardest! It's kind of hard to use cameras in a city that was invaded by your enemies!" Cora growled.

Leo scoffed. "Oh, so this is all my fault then!?"

"Well who's job was it to stop the Kraang!?" Cora demanded.

The door swung open and Mikey stuck his head through. "Uh, guys-"

"Not now Mikey!" Both of them yelled.

Mikey quickly ducked away and shut the door. Immediately, the two fell right back into the sync of their arguement.

"Who's job was it to watch our backs today, Cora!?" Leo demanded.

"I don't know, maybe it was Donnie's, since apparently, it's his job to hack into things again! I can't be trusted to find places with Comet in their names, anymore!" Cora snarled.

"Oh, so that's what this is about! You're upset that I asked Donnie to do something he's perfectly capable of doing!?" Leo glared.

"No, Leo! It's about us! Ever since we got to this new lair, you've treated me like I'm either inferior or I don't exist!"

"Well not everything is about you, Cora!"

She sneered. "Right, you're too busy looking for Karai! Your girlfriend!"

Leo's expression went from furious to livid in less than a second.

"So you're jealous!? You let them take Raph and Casey because you wanted Shredder to get Karai!? I bet you're feeling really smug now, aren't you!?"

Smoke erupted from Cora's ears. "I never wanted Karai to get hurt! I wanted to help her just as much as you!"

"And yet you're still hiding behind that useless computer!" Leo accused. "You have the potential to do great things, but you hide behind your little laptop like a coward!"

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