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Got a secret

Can you keep It?

Swear, this one you'll save

Better lock it in your pocket

Takin' this one to the grave


She watched through the camera as she shook her head and threw the note with her favorite rose pinned to it away. Slamming her hands on the stirring wheel and driving away she angrily drove through traffic.

Why didn't the little cow just take heed to the letter?

This was the third and final time she tried warning the bitch to stay away from her man. Her first attempt was sending her flowers letter with a card detailing the affair of the woman's boyfriend. She thought she was successful when they broke up but when they got back together and got engaged a few years later her angered soared to new heights.

On her second attempt it was obvious when she leaked the fact the woman's fiancé was engaging in an affair with an unknown woman and said woman – she- was pregnant. That should have been the nail in the coffin. And it was.

For the woman at least.

It should have been over but the man couldn't accept it and is currently relentlessly attempting to fix their relationship.

This didn't sit well with her. They were supposed to be a family, preparing to raise their child together but instead he was focused on chasing his ex. Sure he didn't tell his fiancé who said mistress was but that was more to save himself the drama since they all knew each other rather well.

Realizing that he was never gonna be with her if she was still around, the woman concluded that the only way to fix things is to be rid of the former. Permanently.

But how exactly?

Hearing her phone ring she looked at the caller ID and quickly.

"Hey girl! What's going on?"

"Hey! Nothing much just had a questiiion for you?"

"Oh ok, shoot!"

"So I was thinking maybe we should take Kam away on a little girl's trip maybe? I can tell this whole situation with Isaiah is getting to her."

"Hmm, wouldn't it get to you too if you found out that your fiancé has been cheating on you for who knows how long with someone else and got said someone pregnant but wouldn't tell you who she is?" she responded rather angrily.

"Woah down girl. Trust me I'm upset too but maybe try not feed into her anger. But hey let me know what you think about the trip. I'm thinking Maui and stay for about a week, everyone pays for their own rooms?"

After contemplating a devious thought came to mind. Smirking she responded. "You know what? Count me in. We could all use a vacation and a weekend with all the girls sounds killer."

"Hahah sound great. Oh gotta go my breaks almost over."

"K, byeee"


Hanging up the phone she pulled into the condo and let out a laugh of delight.

This trip would indeed be killer. And when it was over she'd finally have everything she wanted. HER man and THEIR baby.

All maybe fair in love and war but when it comes to the jungle of love, it's every man for himself.

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