Feelings/Palisman ~Edric~

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(Hey so I'm gonna give Edric a palisman in this story I got the idea from someone else but i can't remember there account. Also since he was in an abusive relationship he fears lot doing the right thing or being enough. I hope you enjoy.)

"Ugh why do I feel like this?" Ed sat down at the base of a tree trying to collect his thoughts. But only one thing was on his mind and that was Hunter. He didn't know why he was all he could think of. He let out a groan leaning his head back and looking at the sky. "Why cant I just not fall in love?" He thought out loud before slowly falling asleep.


"Ed thanks for today." Hunter smiled at him. They were sitting in a clearing next to a lake. A blanket had been set out an th grass as well as food and towels. Ed smiled sadly knowing this was a dream. "Is everything ok Ed?" Hunter asked turning to face him.

"Yeah just sad the days almost over." He responded looking at the sky.

"Well it dosent have to end." Hunter said grabing Ed's chin and pulling him close. Just before there lips touched he was pulled out of the dream by a familiar nudge. He let out a groan feeling another nudge but this time there was a little pressure on his shoulder. He felt something crawl into his lap and slight pressure on his chest. He opened his eyes to be met with a pair of emerald eyes. Ed let out a started squeak. The animal jumped pedal off of him and ran over to the path he used to get to the spot then back to him. Ed pulled out his scroll to check the time. Shocked he looked back at the little gold fox.

"So your the one who's been getting me up every time." He chuckled and walked over to the small animal. He bent down and ruffled it's fur. "Thanks but you should get back to your owner now." And with that he stood up and walked back to his house so he wouldn't get in trouble with his mom. Once he left the wood he stopped when he heard a small whine. Ed turned around to see the gold fox sitting at the edge of the woods. "Sorry bud but I cant take you home." Ed walked back over to the palisman and knelt down to pet him again. Before his hand eeached the fox it jumped on him and licked his cheek. "OK ok so I assume you don't have an owner. The fox let out a bark. (I don't know the name of the sound they actually make sorry.) "Well if that's the case you'll need a name." Ed picked up the fox and sat him on his shoulder. The fox currled up on his shoulders like a scarf. "How about Trickster?" Ed asked scratching the top of the foxes head. The fox let out a happy bark before jumping off his shoulder and turning into a staff. "Woah cool." Ed walked back to his house excited to show his sisters his palisman.

(I kinda confused myself alittle writing this chapter lol. Anyways hope you like it.) ~ StrayWolves5053

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