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(Lots of abuse. I'm sorry guys but I promise it will get better)

(3rd pov)

Amity stood there worried as she noticed that Edric had ran out of the room. She decided to ask him what was wrong she turned to her girlfriend and told her that she would be back soon then went to follow Edric. She found him sitting next to a lake and crying.

"Ed are you ok?" She asked sitting next to him. He shook his head no before hiding his face behind his hands. "What's wrong?"She asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I found him..." He mumbled looking away.

"Found who?" Amity looked at him confused since the only other male that was in the house was Hunter.

"My soulmate." He responded lifting his shirt to reveal the scar that had formed on his stomach. Just then the memory of an hour ago came back to her. The picture of him falling to the floor and screaming in pain made her gasp in surprise. Before she could say anything there heads turned to the sound of rustling as a figure came out of the shadows. Amity was shocked to see that it was Crystal Ed's girlfriend. She looked over to him and noticed the fact that he was shaking really bad. She didn't know what was going on with them but she knew that he didn't want to be around her right now.

"What are you doing here Crystal?" She asked standing up and moving in between her and Ed.

"Oh nothing I was just walking around when I heard the little fag over there say that he found his soulmate." She responded with a scoff. This made Amity really mad as she took a step towards the girl.

"My brother is not a fag!" She yelled taking another step towards her. Just then she saw another group of people walk into the clearing.

"OH is that so because I'm pretty sure I heard him say that his soulmate was a guy." She responded taking a step towards Amity. Ed was sitting behind them crying he didn't want his sister to get hurt because of him.

"My brothers soulmate is a guy so what that doesn't mean you have the right to talk about him like that!" She screamed

"He is my boyfriend so I can talk to him any way I want!" She yelled back. Suddenly Amity smacked the girl across the face. The girl responded by punching her in the face causing Amity to fall down. "Not so tough now are you bitch!" Crystal laughed and kicked the girl in the side before walking up to Edric and pulling him up by the collar. "Listen here fag your mine and mine alone I don't care who your soulmate is but nothing is gonna take you away from me." She raised her hand to smack him across the face but was stopped when a hand grabbed her wrist. She turned around to be met with a blond headed boy. "What do you want?" She asked annoyed

"It's not right to hurt people." He said pulling her away from the scared boy. The girl tried to hit him but he doged and landed a punch to her stomach. She fell to the ground gasping for breath. "If you ever come near him again next time it will be worse." Hunter turned to the green hair boy and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through that but its going to be ok now." The boy nodded burying his face into the blond boys hair. They stood there for a while before heading back to house.

(I'm so sorry for all the abuse but I promise it gets better and I hope you pups will continue to enjoy the story thanks so much for the support and I'll see you pups in the next chapter bye~ ♥️) ~ StrayWolves5053

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