Meeting the group

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(In this Mattholomule is already been forgiven and is in the friend group. Only Luz and Amity are dating for now. I may or may not make side one shots on how the others get together. I'll leave that up to you to decide. Hunter is more confidentaround the Blights and Luz + Willow & Gus than anyone else.)

Hunter was walking around aimlessly when he ran into someone. He looked up to see the same green haired boy from earlier.

"E-ed" He studderd backing up alittle.

"Blondie?" Ed looked down at the boy surprised to see him at his school. He looked at the uniform and immediately understood. "Haha... need someone to show you around?" He chuckled.

"That w-would be h-helpful." Hunter looked down a slight blush on his face.

"Aww is blondie blushing?~" Ed teased stepping closer to Hunter.

"In your dreams Blight.~" Hunter teased back.

"Wh-whatever let's go." Ed turned away flustered. Hunter followed him around the school while Ed showed him all the classrooms and the cafeteria just then the bell rang for lunch. (Lol impeccable timing) "Well blondie looks like it's lunchtime." Ed said leading him to the lunch line.

"Thanks for showing me around Eddie." Hunter said without thinking.

"Aww blondie has a nickname for me.~" Edric teased happily. Hunter just ignored him and got his lunch he was about to sit at an empty table when Ed stopped him. "Whoa Blondie hold on I got a better place." Ed grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria. He led him to a plain looking classroom. Hunter looked around and noticed a teacher sleeping at the front desk. He also noticed that Ed was writing on the chalkboard behind the teacher. To his amazement a small door appeared. Edric motioned for him to follow as he crawled through the hole. Hunter nervously followed him almost falling but Ed caught him. "This is the second time you've fallen for me blondie am I really that irresistible?~" Ed teased making sure Hunter had his footing before letting go of him.

"You'd like that wouldn't you Eddie?~" Hunter laughed walking down the hall and into an open room. He was suddenly met with a bunch of people so his first reaction was to hide. Ed laughed as the blond boy hid behind him at the sight of new faces.

"You ok Hunter?" Ed asked turning around to face him.

"Yeah j-just didn't expect so many p-people." He said looking around. Suddenly he was embraced from behind causing him to let out a small squeak. He tried to get out of the hug but to no avail.

"Umm... Luz I think your making him uncomfortable." Ed said pulling him away from the hyper girl.

"Thanks Eddie." Hunter looked around again and immediately remembered some of the faces in the room.

"Hunter?" A girl with glasses walked up to them with a surprised but happy look.

"Captain? Gus?" Hunter turned to her and also saw the curly haired boy walking up be hind her.

"Hay Hunter it's good to see you again." Gus said waving happily.

"It's good to see you too." He smiled slightly.

"Oh Hunter let's introduce you to everyone." Ed said excitedly grabbing Hunters hand and pulling him to a group of people by the stairs.

"Oh hey Ed I see you found your boyfriend.~" Em teased as both boys faces bursed with red.

"H-hes not my boyfriend Em." Ed looked away embarrassed.

"Mhm and you two are totally not holding hands right now." She stated pointing to there interlocked hands. The look down at there hands and immediately let go looking away.

"Any ways this is my sister Emira and her girlfriend Viney." Ed said trying to get her back for earlier. Em blushed and started trying to deny what her brother had just said but she just ended up stumbling over her words. "Relax sis I was just messing with you." Ed laughed before facing a different group. "This is Barkus and Jerbo and finally the one over there with gus is Mattholomule." He said pointing to each person as he said there name. They all said hi or just waved. In all honestly Hunter felt comfortable. They all started talking and playing games till the last bell rang. Slowly every one left leaving the Blights, Hunter and luz. They said there goodbyes and Luz and Hunter left the room.

"Sooo~ Edric huh." Luz teasingly poked Hunter in the side. He swated her hand away a blush making its way to his face.

"What a-about Ed?" He asked trying to suppress the blush.

"Oh nothing I just saw you two flirting in the hallway earlier." She stated nonchalantly.

"We weren't flirting." Huter glared at her annoyed.

"Mhm I saw what I saw." She laughed. This caused Hunter to chase her till they were just out side of their house.just as she was about to run inside he managed to tackle her and started tickling her side. Luz bursted out laughing trying to get him of of her. This resulted in a tickle fight between both of them. A few moments later Ida walked out to find them both on the ground laughing there guts out. She smiled happy that they were getting along.

(Hey pups another chapter another day it's good to see you enjoying the book and I thank you for the 300 views and cant wait to hear your opinions till next time pups.) ~ StrayWolves5053

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