Comfort in Friends

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(3rd pov)

The group had just arived at the owl house and was met with a worried Ida and King.

"Where have you been and why are they here" She asked jesturing to the group behind Luz.

"Belose hurt hunter so he asked to see me and the others were here to help heal him." Luz explained in a rush.

"What do you mean Belose hurt him?" Ida looked at Hunter quizicaly.

"Belose got mad at me and cut my stomach pretty deep. I also wanted to talk to Luz about something but when she noticed the injury she called them to heal me." Hunter explained shuffling nervously from foot to foot.

"Well I have a knack for picking up strays so you can stay here if you'd like. Ida responded setting a hand on his shoulder. Hunter slightly flinched at the contact and hoped she didn't notice. Unfortunately for him she did and quickly apologized before ushering all the kids into the house. "How would you guys like to stay the rest of the night since it's kinda late?" Ida asked closing the door behind her.

"I don't know mom will be pretty mad if she finds out we're gone." Emira said with a worried Glace at her siblings.

"Aww we can't stay for a little while" Edric asked playing but one glance at him and you could tell he was still a bit shaken up.

"Yeah can't you stay for a little longer please~" Luz pleaded looking at Amity.

"I-i fine" Amity looks away with a blush

"Yay!" Luz screams jumping around the room. The twins giggled at there sisters reddened face. Hunter didn't know why but when he heard the emerald haired boy giggle he felt butterflies in his stomach and his face became slightly pink. He was broken out of his thoughts by Luz shaking him. "Hunter are you ok are you sick" She felt his face to see if he was warm.

"Im fine." He tried to pushed her  off of him but this responded in him falling backwards. Hunter braced himself for the fall but instead he was met with a warm embrace.

"Whoa careful there blondie." The person who caught him said. Hunter opened his eyes to be met with memorizing gold ones. Hunter didn't know how long they were staring at each other till they heard someone clear there throat a deep blush spread across both there face as they both quickly moved away from each other.

"So~" Emira and Luz both said in a teasing voice. Ed and Hunter glared ath them before sitting on the floor with alittle bit of a distance between them. The others joined them on the floor and started to have a conversation. Hunter and Ed both kept there heads low not really ready to talk after everything that just happened.

"Are you ok?" Em asked her brother since he was never this quiet.

"Hmm... yeah I'm just alittle shaken up from earlier." He responded rubbing his heck.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Amity asks softly so it doesn't seam like she's forcing him to say anything.

"Well umm..." He looks down trying to decide how much he should tell them when he suddenly fet a hand on his. He looked over to notice the blond boy had moved closer.

"Hey its ok take your time." Hunter said giving him a warm smile. He didn't know why but he hated seeing the golden eyed boy like this. Edric nodded now feeling a little bit better. He took a deep breath and began to explain everything.

"Well when me and Crystal firs got together everything was going well but slowly over time she started becoming abusive. She started hitting me and screaming telling me that if anyone found out she would hurt the ones I care about so I hid it with makeup. When I got my first scar and she didn't she was furious so she took a knife and ran it down my arm. I wanted to leave her but she made it so difficult. My mental health slowly started to decline but I tried to keep my head up hoping one way or another way I would be saved from the torture." He smiled lightly tears running down his face while the rest of the group sat there shocked. Amity and Emira sat there crying wondering how they didn't realize that this was happening to their own brother. Hunter on the other hand knew how that felt and pulled the boy into a tight hug and wisperd sweet nothings in the boys ear. Hunter wasn't big on touch and didn't know much about comfort but he felt the urge to try and comfort the crying boy next to him. Ed pulled the boy into his lap and started crying into his chest. He appreciated the effort the blond boy was giving to comfort him even though they didn't even know each other. Hunter didn't even notice the position they were in since he was to busy trying to stop the other boy from crying. He felt two pair of arms wrap around him and the crying boy infront of him. He looked to see that the other Blights had joined the hug. After awhile Luz finally joined the hug after a few moments. Eventually Ed stopped crying and the group slowly started to pull away from the hug leaving Hunter in Ed's lap. He tried to move but Edrics arms wrapped around his waist.

"Please don't leave." Ed snuggled into the blond boys neck not wanting to let go just yet. Hunters face flushed but he stayed where he was hiding his face in the boys hair. The only sound in the room was the sound of Edrics soft snoring signaling that he had fell asleep. Hunter looked at the others with a panicked look not knowing what to do since he couldn't get up. The three girls looked at him with a smerk and were giggling at his predicament. Eventually they all slowly fell asleep hoping that tomorrow would be better.

(Sorry if this is alittle confusing I was in a rush since I haven't posted anything for the past few days I've been very busy with work and I havet had much sleep I will try to post more chapters and I will see you pups in the next chapter" ~ StrayWolves5053

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