
You stopped yourself, and started over,
"Sugawara san, you need help?"

He blushed in embarrassment,
"I uhhh... don't know where my desk is?"

You looked around, before internally facepalming.

"It's right here, next to mine!"

He seemed relieved, and walked over to his new desk, taking a seat and getting family with his new work area.

"I could give you a tour of the school if you'd like?"

He had already gotten one before, but it was right before his interview, so he was too nervous to pay any attention.

"I'd like that,"

As you walked around the school, giving him a tour, he tried to figure out who you were.

You seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

'(F/n) (L/n)...The name does seem familiar, but I just can't put a face to it...'

"And this is gonna be your classroom!"

You opened the door, and he looked around in amazement. His very own classroom! He could already imagine himself teaching children there already.

He turned to face you,
"Thanks for the tour (f/n) san, I really appreciate it!"

You waved your hand,
"Eh it's no biggie, I can tell we're gonna be good friends. Hey, the rest of the teachers are gonna go out for drinks later, you wanna come?"

He seemed a bit hesitant,
"Are you sure? I'm still new, its still my first day!"

You led him back to the office,
"Im sure everyone would love to have you there! And if they try to get you to leave, then they're gonna have to go through me!"

He chuckled and took your offer.

You thought Suga wouldn't be too much of a drinker, but boy were you wrong. Glass after glass, he just got drunker and drunker, and soon started spilling his guts to you.

He slammed his glass down on the table,
"And d'you what the worst part is? I never even got to tell my crush I liked 'em! Now they're out there somewhere and I'm all alone!"

He words were slurred, and you could tell he was about to go full mid-life crisis mode, so you led him out of the bar.

"How about we get you home?"

He spoke dizzily,
"But I'm done yet!"

You sighed,
"You can tell me more when we get to your house. Where do you even live?"

He told you his address, which you half didn't believe due to his drunken state, but when you used the keys he had on him, it opened.

You remembered this place, and realized it was his parent's house, but they were nowhere to be seen.

You let Suga too his room, helping him get into more comfortable clothes while you closed your eyes.

You helped him get into bed, and set a chair down next to it.

"I'm gonna stay here, just in case you vomit in your sleep and start to drown,"

He yawned, and spoke lazily,

"Good night... Koushi,"

The next morning you woke up with an aching neck and back,
'Man, I really shouldn't have fallen asleep on that chair'

Suga was still in his bed, hugging a pillow. You went over to him to make sure he was okay, and then decided to look around his room for nostalgic reasons.

'It's like nothing ever changed!'

You saw familiar pieces of clothing underneath his bed, and after pulling them out you realized they were yours from Highschool.

'I guess he still has these, huh.'

You looked through his medicine cabinet, and got him a glass of water as he started to wake up.

"Ugh... my head..."

You chucked as you handed him the aspirin and set the water down next to him.

"This will help with the hangover. You really did drink a lot yesterday, didn't you,"

He groaned as he tried to remember his time at the bar with you.

"Did I say anything weird?"

You gently pat his back as you stood up,
"Nope! You think you'll be alright by yourself?"

He gave you a thumbs up with a tired smile,

"Okay, I'll get going then. We have the day off, so don't worry about work. Have a nice day!"

You walked out of his house, and he thought long and hard about what he said to you at the bar. Eventually he gave up.

You went home, and took a nice hot shower. You changed into some more comfortable clothes, and collapses onto your bed, outstretching your arms and legs.

'Still can't believe he forgot about me... oh well, guess that just means I'll have to restart.'


That was a very long chapter it is my mission for you to see all these people get SUPER WASTED and drunk

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