Chapter 17

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Warning- Little Mature Content

"Oh Lilith!" Azrozan moaned as Seraphina came back down with more force than the previous thrust.

"Really, Archfiend? Moaning out a demon's name when your angel is the one riding you." Seraphina panted slowing down.

"Don't you dare fucking stop, I swear to-"

"You really think that threat is going to do anything?" Seraphina said coming to a complete stop.

"Sera, angelum meum; I need you to-"

"I don't care Azrozan; my murk finishes when I want him to finish." Seraphina said as she moves from his painfully aroused member to straddle his chest. She let her finger tips run along his cheek.

"Oh my murk! I love and hate how you seem to forget that I am the one in control here." She whispered. He shivered at her tone, his pain only increasing as the wait increased, his eyes closing.

"Sera please!" He was willing to beg. His hands gripped her hips trying to generate some kind of friction for relief.

"Now now my murk, you and I both know what happens when you try and take over." Seraphina said and bent down to be closer to his face.

At her statement, his eyes opened; realizing what she was giving him, what she wanted him to have in that moment. Classic Seraphina; giving up control by emphasizing the control she held herself.

He lifted his head a little off the pillow and let one of his hands leave her hips and rest on her cheek; slowly he let a smirk appear on his features.

"When I take over; my angel fights back." He whispered.

"When I take over; my angel tries to regain the control."

"When I take over; my angel comes undone." He finished.

Seraphina's hands stopped at the comment; she released a shuddering breath and then kissed him with intensity unknown to both of them.

He flipped them over; landing on top her, pressing against her. She could feel everything in its glory. Their lips were tied in a way that no power or force could separate the two forbidden souls.

She pulled back when air become a necessity. He rested his forehead against hers and pressed himself more into her heat.

"May I have it?" he asked for consent and control.

"Yes you may my murk." She replied breathlessly.

He smiled and proceeded to devour his angel to a point of her soul breaking into pieces.

The Reliquary was bedizened for the coronation of the new empress of the Berretta clan. The afternoon light was perfectly exploited by them to enhance the white present in the room.

The soon to be empress was in a pair of white wide legged straight pants paired with a white sleeveless short vest and topped off with a long jacket with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows; putting the tattoo on display.

"You're staring." Talini said as she felt her favorite pair of eyes on her.

"It is the last time I see you in light, let me." Ariel replied. Talini walked over to her lover, keeping a decent distance between them considering their surroundings.

"Is it too late to ask you to stay here with me?"

"With you and Malak; it's never too late for you ask anything of or from me mea nix reginae."

"It isn't fair though."

"None of this has ever been."

"How many times have we had this conversation?"

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