Chapter 8

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The next morning Seraphina had almost forgotten about the surprise planned by her father but Ariel's entry at 6:30 am reminded her of it.

"You need to look perfect for this."


"That is what your father demanded. Now, hurry up, go take a shower and I will have your dress sent." Ariel said.

"Do you know anything about this?" Seraphina asked as she proceeded towards the bathroom.

"No I don't but knowing your father I feel it is going to be something big enough to affect a lot of people other than you." Ariel answered.

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing; go take a shower." With that Ariel left the room to get the dress to Seraphina.

Seraphina knew exactly what Ariel meant but she was also aware of the fact that Ariel would rather die than speak anything against any order given by a royal.

She took her time with the shower really not sure whether she wanted to know what her father planned for her. She sat at her dressing table, patiently waiting for Ariel to come and glam her up. Ariel entered her room and handed her the dress. Seraphina eyed the dress and then glared back at Ariel.

"What the actual hell is this?!" Seraphina roared.

"Look, I know-"

"You cannot possibly be serious! I swear by the angels, I am not wearing that."

"Sera, your father selected it specifically."

"Oh my, that man! I swear to Iris, I will have him ambushed by God's will-"

"Stop talking before you end up cursing your Father." Ariel said, her voice rose in volume.

Seraphina took a deep breath and softly caressed the dress.

"Is Talini going to be there?"

"I believe so." Ariel answered.

"How are you okay with this?" Seraphina asked.

"Oh, I am not! But we don't have a choice. Your father wants you to wear that so you have to wear that also I am sure Talini will understand." Ariel comforted her friend.

"Will she?" Seraphina said, looking straight into Ariel's eyes.


The only sound frequency in the setting was the contact between spoons and plates. The almost silent room was suffocating for Azrozan.

However what actually might force him to barf out his food were the occasional but not so subtle smiles practically thrown at Abdiel by Lamia.

"I heard they had the choosing ceremony last night, any idea about his choice?" Lamia asked. For a clan that cannot stand the Berettas, the breakfast conversations always revolve around the opposite clan.

"I think he chose the elder one, Talini I believe." Abdiel answered his fiancée.

"He did." Azrozan confirmed absentmindedly. The realization struck him when everybody looked at him for the explanation of his confirmation.

"Uh Azazal told me." He answered. The family resumed the breakfast and conversation.

His answer reminded him of the argument he had with Azazal last night. Being aware of the nature his best friend possesses, Azrozan knows giving Azazal space is the only way to settle the matter.

"I can assure you, soon enough the sisters are going to fight over that man. It has happened before in the west royal and yet these fools think that they are doing the right thing." Ramiel said and took a bite.

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