Chapter 14

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"What?!" Talini freaked out.

"Now calm down, we don't want anybody hearing you." Seraphina tried.

"What hell did you consume?" Talini did not calm down.

"I can explain but you need to calm the fuck down." Seraphina forced. Talini chose to nod instead of answering; pretense of seeming calm.

"Alright, Azrozan and I met after the party where we met Malak. Mom dropped a fucking bomb on us and I just needed to clear my head so I went out of area to Majesta." Seraphina started.

"He introduced himself to be a Heathen and I didn't mention my clan at all; we chatted and by the end of the night we kissed. Next day he was in the land discussion meeting."

"You fucked a royal; a central royal?!" Talini lost the calm she pretended to have.

"Yes Talini, would you please let me finish?" Seraphina asked.

"Ariel found me with a waiter at the choosing ceremony; it was him, we kissed again that night in the cottage. Then yesterday after I saw you two and I just needed to get a distraction and I went to Majesta he was there and one thing led to another and we had sex." She narrated.

Talini stared at her sister blankly. Her quiet staring made Seraphina nervous.

"Alright freak out if being calm means that you're going stay quiet." Seraphina said with a sigh.

"This is a lot of information to assimilate at eight thirty in the morning. You slept with an Archfiend, central royal Archfiend I may add, he has also been in the Berretta royal premise during the choosing ceremony, you kissed him twice before sleeping with him; all while knowing he is a royal Archfiend!" by the end of her rant, Talini had gotten off the bed, her voice raised and she was pacing in front of her sister.

"And I thought I was committing a sin to my clan. My God, Sera!"

Seraphina didn't meet her sister's gaze due to a serious lack of answers in that situation. She was aware of the fact that her involvement with Azrozan was pure concupiscence unlike Ariel and Talini.

What she did was in fact a sin and not the pure love shared by her sister and best friend.

"Do you... Sera do you love him?" Talini asked at her sister's quiescence. The question made Seraphina's head jerk up.

"No! I just met him; I don't even know his birth date! It was just a desperate need to let loose and he happened to be there. It is nothing more than just infatuation that to strictly physical." Seraphina explained.

"Are you going to see him again?"

"Yes; one time before I leave."

"Is it necessary?" Seraphina didn't answer the question; she couldn't answer the question.

"Seems like a little more than just physical infatuation to me." Talini said.

"Talini it cannot be more, I know that, he knows that; neither of us need that." Seraphina said.

"Look I am not in the favor of this affair, but if you're going to leave and have the slightest of feelings that he might be more then don't hold back, provided you tell him that you'll be leaving because Archfiend or not, no one deserves to be led on." Talini advised as she re-took her seat next to her sister.

"Is it worth the damage though?" Seraphina asked.

"Love is worth every task, every initiation, every scar, every tear, every moment of fear. Love is always worth it and even if what you have with him isn't love; it provides you a sense of freedom and in my opinion freedom and love are analogues." Talini said as she gave her sister the most pain filled smile.

"I need a fucking name!" Azrozan screamed as he glided the blow torch over the wing of the angel on the tattoo.

"I don't know! I left the land the moment the baron made a decision, I don't know what happened!" The sweat drenched Berretta screamed in pure agony as his answer provoked the already provoked Archfiend into pressing the blow torch harder.

"Who else was there from your clan?" Azazal asked; calmer than his infuriated best friend.

"It was me and Cael." He said.

"No royals?" Azrozan asked pulling the blow torch away.

"No, Cael is going to join the western council in February of next year." He replied as he tried to catch his breath.

"Zan, I don't think it's either of them. He is not a royal and neither is Cael; the sigil bullets only belong to the royals." Azazal said.

"It could be Cael; he is a soon to be royal, he might have one as a gift." Azrozan said.

"It is a possibility; I will have him here by tomorrow." Azazal promised.

"We can't let him go, he can start a conflict." Azrozan said.

"Don't worry about it, I got this." Azazal said.

"Go to the hospital; Abdiel's surgery is almost over." He added.

Azrozan nodded acknowledging the suggestion and exited the garage. He walked up to his car and pulled out his phone; he looked through his contacts and pressed the one he was looking for.


"Lamia, is the surgery over?"

"Not yet, it got a little intense in the end so it is taking longer than they had anticipated." She said.

"How is everyone?"

"Staying strong."

"I will be there in about thirty minutes."

"Alright." The call ended but he didn't remove his phone from his ear, keeping up the pretense for the shadow behind the bushes. His hand covertly reached for the gun attached to his hip.

He heard the figure come out of the shadows and he turned around without a plan; his phone dropping to the ground and his finger pulling the trigger without the command from his brain.

Azazal sprinted outside at the sound and came face to face with a sight of his best friend standing near the body of Cael soon to be Berretta.



"You... you shot him!"

"I can see."

Azazal ran to his best friend and grabbed him roughly by his shoulders.

"He was a fucking royal! Are you tryna cause a damn war?!" Azazal screamed.

"I don't care what he was; he was a potential suspect as my brother's shooter." Azrozan's reply was robotic.

"This shit can cause a fucking trial!"

"And I don't give any fucks about that either. Clean up the mess; I have to get to the hospital."

Before Azrozan could enter his car, Azazal stopped him.

"You're gonna tell this to Abdiel?" he asked.

Azrozan didn't answer and settled himself in his car and drove off.

"Damn it Archfiend!" Azazal exclaimed as he proceeded to clean the body.

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