Chapter 11

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"Lamia!" Azrozan spoke the moment he saw her exit his brother's bedroom. She turned around in surprise as she saw the source of the voice.

"Yes?" she said still not believing the fact that the younger Archfiend called out to her.

"I need to talk to you, privately." He said.

"Why?" Lamia wasn't one to trust easily.

"Because I think you're right."

"About what?"

"We are going to be family sooner or later, and I don't think there should be noticeable tension between you and I." he said.

"Let's take this to a balcony." She said.

They walked in silence until they reached their destination.

"This better not be some sort of game Azrozan."

"It isn't I promise. You and I, we have history, a lot of it. But now there is nothing that can be done about it. I won't say anything to Abdiel simply cause I don't want the those consequences that will occur once he knows the truth." Azrozan said.

"Abdiel knows something is up with you, he will pry."

"That is why I wanted to talk to you. I do have a lot going on and yes partly it is cause of our past and I just want to ease the tension a bit, come to some sort of agreement so that I can be remotely close to being normal." Azrozan confessed.

"How do I know that you aren't lying?" Lamia voiced out.

"I really don't care about that. I am not asking us to be friends. I am just stating that instead of shooting daggers and mocking smiles at each other, how about a polite hello and then on our ways?" he said.

She remained silent, thinking about his proposition. It is quite exhausting to be constantly on your toes and blackmailing a person into not telling the truth.

"Alright, but do I have your word that you won't say anything to Abdiel?" Lamia asked.

"I swear to Lilith and Cain, Abdiel will never know the truth and in return you shall never mention Jilaiya and my child."

"Deal; so we co-exist in order to not cause any damage to the clan or our family." Lamia concluded.

"You got it. From now on, you'll just be my soon to be sister-in-law and I will be your brother-in-law, nothing more, nothing less. We forget that anything existed between us before Abdiel's proposal." He added.

"Done." She said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking lunatic?" Azazal screamed the moment Azrozan finished telling him about his truce with Lamia.

"I don't understand you Zal, first you tell me to move on and then you tell me to expose her and when I am trying to do the former, you have an issue with it." Azrozan fired back.

Azazal looked at him, released a deep breath and took a seat beside his best friend.

"I don't know Zan, it just seems really impulsive and the last time this happened it wasn't pretty for you." Azazal said.

Azrozan let out a sad smile at his friend's concern. He rested his hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"Don't worry about it; I am ready to move on. I don't wanna change anything except try and make myself happy and calling it a truce with her seemed like a good place to start." Azrozan said.

"If you say so, but if that bitch pulls something, I won't spare her this time." Azazal warned making Azrozan chuckle.

The two sat in silence as they read through their respective documentations regarding the business and public affairs of their clan.

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