Chapter 2

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Even if the Archfiends had a special connection with darkness and dark colors, the area covered by them was usually well lit by different shades.

The city's lit state, yet the darkness of people never stopped amusing him. All of them had one motive, one deity to worship.

He always adored how people can find comfort in darkness and evil.

The Archfiends were not evil. They just worshipped the dark and accepted the atrocities, unlike the Berrettas.

Archfiends worshipped the Demon, Shaytan, Raakshas etc.Their way of worship was not hurting people, at least not all the time. According to them, reality was harsh and if they accepted the cruel and atrocious truth then life would be easier. Also they considered the Berrettas as naïve, ignorant and gullible fools whose idea of life revolved around love, hearts and only positivity.

He however, thought of the Berrettas as utterly stupid. He remembers laughing while hearing stories that were supposed to warn him about them.

"Azrozan Archfiend where do you think you are going?" Abdiel snapped at his younger brother.

"I am going out dear brother." Azrozan replied while he finished tying his shoe lace. He got off his bed and gave his brother a smirk and walked to his dresser.

"You can't just leave the house in the middle of the night. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the Berretta Royals to divide the new land emptied by the Heathens. You have to be there. You are twenty now. Soon you will be given the throne." Abdiel continued as he watched his brother apply his perfume.

"Relax Diel; I won't miss that stodgy meeting. I just need to go out and have a few drinks. I will be back before Father will be up." Azrozan replied.

He walked closer to his brother and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Also you are acting as if this is the first time I am doing this." Azrozan said.

"I don't mind you spending the night having fun, drinking and shagging people. The only thing that bothers me is that I know for a fact that you would leave the Archfiend area." Abdiel voiced out.

"It's nice to have a change in life brother. I need to go out a bit, be with normal people." Azrozan said.

Abdiel sighed and nodded, giving in to his brother's usual attitude yet again. Azrozan gave him a cheeky grin. The smile made his dimples come to life.

He exited his room, his elder brother following suit. The two descended the stairs and Azrozan walked to his car.

"Zan, please be on time and don't get yourself in any type of trouble. Tomorrow is an important day for us." Abdiel said as he saw his brother posses the driving seat.

Azrozan gave his brother a thumbs up and drove off.

The drive to Majesta was long enough for him to drown in his thoughts again. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he thought how his life had changed ever since the news of Abdiel's marriage broke out.

The level of expectations rose like an Iron Maiden song on the charts. His father expected that he would handle the throne the way their ancestors did after the Veneration war. His mother expected that she would get a beautiful daughter in law and grandchildren. His brother expected nothing because he knew that Azrozan doesn't care about any of these things.

Azrozan is selfish. Everyone knew that. Everyone could see it.

But everyone was also aware of the fact that Azrozan Archfiend would make ends meet for his brother. So if Abdiel ordered to be on time then Azrozan would be there before his brother.

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