C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - E I G H T

Start from the beginning

Once the two have left, MC claps her hands. "Now that we have that settled, let's continue with the plan." She turns to Spencer. "Spencer, do you know how to fight?" She questions.

Spencer nods his head. "I know enough. I'm also pretty good with a Glock."

Instantly, a case is put on the table, filled with an assortment of Glocks, each in different colors. Spencer gapes and picks out a sky blue Glock 19 with gold accents.

Spencer's gun

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Spencer's gun

"This is my kinda shit right here," he says, admiring the custom firearm.

"Azzy, and I will go in first. If there's anyone there, we'll take care of them and then give you guys the clear. The rest of the team will go search around the area and the wearhouse for Saint. When they find him, they'll alert you and Spencer. You two will get Saint. Spencer, you'll be there to protect Blaise at all costs and lead them towards the safest way to get outside. Ingrid will be in your ear, telling which ways to go in case you were wondering. Knowing Blaise, she'll be too busy making sure that Saint's okay to focus on her own safety, so keep an eye on her."

Everyone glances over at Blaise. She feels her cheeks heat up but she doesn't bother to argue. She knows what MC said is true.

"Once you guys are out, we should have everyone else in the wearhouse in custody. You'll just hand Saint over to the paramedics and our job there will be done."

Spencer raises his hand.

"You can just talk, idiot," Will mumbles.

He decides not to take offense to what she said, seeing as she always talks to him like this.

"What about Saint's family? Don't they know that he's missing?"

"Saint's dad is overseas, but his mom wont stop calling me. I had to block her number just to save battery," Blaise grumbles. She can't afford any distractions, even if that includes her boyfriend's mother.

"So she doesn't know that you're doing this?"

Blaise shakes her head.

"Alright, well, does everyone understand the plan?" MC asks.

A chorus of yesses were heard around the room.

Let's get my man back. Blaise thinks.


INGRID SURVEYS Wolf Forest with her keen eyes, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. The tales she's heard about this place are enough to make her wary of what could be lurking between the trees. Ahanu, on the other hand, is perfectly calm. Though he's only ever calm so Ingrid doesn't think too much about it. Besides, he's seven feet and three hundred pounds of pure muscle. No sane wolf would try to mess with the beast of a man.

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