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It was the second month into summer and Asha decided to sleep in. She was off of work for the next two days, so relaxing was going to be her goal. Working at Sprinkles Ice Cream and candy shop was actually fun for her... the location was near the beach, the work was easy and the pay was decent.

Asha opened her brown eyes to rays of sun peeking through her curtains. She sat up, stretching then touching her head.

"Good, it stayed on this time." Her bonnet was still in place.

After showering and feeling refreshed, Asha looked out the window to see her Mom and Mr. Gerald's cars gone....she smiled.

"Yes, I have the house to myself."

She made herself some breakfast then lounged on the couch, watching a movie. Witch movies always intrigued her but she hated that the witches were always the bad guys.

Asha heard a car door shut and talking....she got up and looked out the window.

"Oh comes Kyle and one of his groupies."

Not wanting to be bothered, she turned off the TV and headed back to her room, locking the door. With her earbuds in, Asha read one of books given to her by her Uncle Nemi when she was thirteen.

The countdown has now began....keep this book safe, you will need it soon.

She didn't understand what he meant but her interest already agreed. The book was passed down on her father's side of the family....he passed away when she was seven.

Asha's phone sat on her side table..she decided to call her Uncle Nemi. He answered on the first ring.

"Sunshine, I was just thinking about you."

"Hi, Uncle's your day going?" She smiled, happy to hear his voice.

"It's going pretty well. Missy is due any day now, I can tell Butter is excited."

"I miss those cats so much. It sucks that my Mom won't let me have one."

"Yeah...I was meaning to ask you...What are you doing next month, besides working?"


"Why don't you come visit...stay a week or two?"

Asha's eyes lit up. A chance to stay at my Uncle's lake house? Yes!!!

"That would be awesome! But I still have to ask my Mom." Her excitement began to dim.

"I will call and talk to her."

A big smile formed on her face. "Okay, thanks!."

Oh, this vacation is in the bag!

"No worries. I will be reaching out soon.."

"Love you, Uncle Nemi."

"Love you more, Sunshine."

Asha hung up, excited about visiting her Uncle. She hasn't seen him for two years.

I don't know why my Mom stopped letting me go visit. He's the closest thing I have to my Dad.

She stared at the picture of her Father on the dresser. A smile crept on her face at the fun memories they had together.


"Yo, Ashy....wake up!" Kyle banged on the locked door.

Ugh...what does he want?

She got up and opened the door, he immediately pushed past her.

"Kyle, what are you doing?!"

"Shh..Shh. I need you to hide this in your room. I will get it back later."

Kyle took the book bag off, heading to her closet. There was a small compartment on the side of the wall. After opening it, he stuffed the bag inside and closed it back. He shuffled all her hanging clothes back in place.

Kyle was sweating and looked nervous, causing Asha to worry. Her heart softened.

"Are you okay?"

He looked as if he wanted to tell her everything but he stopped himself.

"Yeah, I'm good. Don't tell your Mom or my Dad about this...okay?"

"Okay," Asha answered as he walked away.


I sat inside the transit shelter, waiting for the next bus to arrive. It was directly down the street from my house so it was very convenient.

The sky was cloudy with mist of rain coating the ground. I had my ear buds in listening to some 90's R&B music....which is my favorite thanks to my older cousins.

"There's no reason whyyy...we should be ah paarrt..." I was singing out loud, not caring who heard me.

"Cause searching for something out there...would leave two lonely hearts...two lonely hearts...Baby don't you knooow." My eyes were closed enjoying the rhythm.

Once they were open....a dark shadow was standing across the street. My eyes were locked in, I knew I wasn't seeing things.

Looking around, I was still the only one at the bus stop. When I looked back towards the shadow it was directly in front of me and I screamed, falling back off the bench.

My heart pounded in my chest....the shadow was now gone. I got up as the bus was pulling up, bringing me back to focus...I looked around again before getting on.

"Hey little lady...back to work, huh?" The nice bus driver said.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Well alright...let's make sure you get there on time."

I swiped my transit card, gave her a smile and nod then sat in the front seat. My mind was replaying the image of the dark shadow I had just seen. The cold air that surrounded me in its presence and the sorrow I felt was all too familiar.

I haven't seen it since I was seven years ten years later, it's back.

What does all of this mean?

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