He placed me on the bed and then moved to the side to get the tray that smelt heavenly. I guess he was cooking for me. He sat down beside me and scooped the spoon full and then brought it to my mouth. I opened my mouth taking it in and chewing it. That familiar taste...

"Did you cook?" I asked while looking at him. "Yes... I thought may be this would help you feel better. Also, you looked quite irritated when you woke up earlier." He replied. I giggled at his reply and then opened my mouth to take in another spoonful of food.

"But you didn't allow me to rest last night." I complained. "That was because you got me tempted. And that dress. Don't even remind me about it. I don't want you to complain again." He said while wiping off the bits from my lips and scooping another spoon.

He continued to feed me till the plates were empty and then moved to place the tray aside. He returned back with a glass of water and tablet in his hand. "Ae, I don't want to take pills." I replied in a bit of sulky tone. "At least have a look at it first! I got you painkiller, not contraceptive." He replied while handing me the tablet and glass of water.

I looked at him and then moved to swallow the tablet and gulped down the glass of water. He took the glass and placed it aside and returned back to sit beside me. He held my hand in his own letting out a deep sigh.

"Pete, I am sorry na for last night. I know I overdid." He apologized while gently stroking my hand. "It's alright khrab Ae. I don't mind. It's just that I was being a little grumpy. May be because lack of proper rest and stress but I am much better now." I assured.

"Are you sure?" he tried to confirm. "Khrab!!" I replied firmly. "Okay... so, Can had decided that we should go to buy wedding suits tomorrow. Will it be fine for you?" he asked. "Really?" I asked, overjoyed and all excited.

"Yes... Can said that it will better to check out the wedding suits early, in order to see if they need any alteration. We will leave in morning and then in evening, we have a small dinner date. And rest of the wedding preparation are looked after Can so we don't have to worry much." Ae replied.

I was more than delighted after hearing the news. Going out for wedding shopping was like another milestone in my life. "You take some rest. I will call the maids and ask them to collect the plates. Do you need anything?" he asked.

"Yes... Can we cuddle? I don't actually want to be alone." I said while making a puppy face which never fails. And as expected he agreed instantly and pinched my cheeks while calling me cute over and over again.

The next day, we went out for the sopping of wedding suit with Can tagging along. This time too, he had invited Tin to join us and it looked like Can had some other plans. I was already smelling something suspicious and when we were busy trying the wedding clothes, Can excused himself saying that he needed to check on some preparations and asked Tin to come along.

I watched him as he swiftly walked out of the place and just after reaching few feet, he turned around and winked at me. Damn!!! He was going on a date with Tin. "Can and Tin seemed to get along well." Ae commented while snapping me out of my thoughts.

Yeah yeah!! They are boyfriends, how else will they behave? Tin was really nice in agreeing to anything and everything Can asked for. Not to mention for the some weird stuff Can made him do, he still complied with all his requests wholeheartedly.

"How about this one?" Ae asked while pulling out an off white suit and showing it to me. I just shook my head in denial because it looked really plain. My man was a real mafia and I wanted him to look like one. I moved towards the rack and looked for the exact thing that would make him look stunning and handsome.

"This one's perfect." I said pulling out a navy blue suit and then handing it over to Ae. "Are you sure?" Ae asked while looking at suit. "Yup!! Just go and try it on." I said pushing him towards the change room.

I moved to look one for myself. I needed something in light color. After going through two-three racks, I finally settled on cream color suit. Just then, Ae walked out wearing the suit and I was left with my mouth hanging open. He was looking absolutely stunning. For a moment, I couldn't even find words to describe him.

He stepped closer while looking at me and asked, "What's wrong?" I immediately closed my mouth and composed myself. "N-nothing... umm... Have we invited girls too for wedding?" I asked. He looked at me with confused face but then moved to answer, "Yes... There will be some... You know, we have invited many so obviously there will be families coming along to give wishes. Why? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"It's just.... Forget it..." I said while trying to turn around in order to avoid the topic. The next moment, I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled into the changing room by Ae. He closed the door and then pinned me to the wall. "Tell me baby doll, what's running in your mind?" he questioned while leaning closer and nuzzling my neck.

"A-Ae... T-that... You look extremely h-handsome and I.... I.... I d-don't want any one else to approach you." I replied. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Shouldn't it be the other way round? I should be getting more jealous because people will definitely try to woo you. I won't be able to control myself if anybody asks you to dance with them." Ae said.

Here we are, both insecure and worried. Should we cancel the big fat wedding and just exchange rings and vows in a small ceremony with only our gang members? "Don't think too much love. It's you and only you who have my heart. And there is no way I am going to let you be alone on the wedding day even for a second." He said leaning closer and pressing his lips to mine.

I slowly circled my arms around him, kissing him back. If it wasn't for the change room and the wedding suit, I would have jumped on him the very next second. He looked so tempting. I guess, I would have to keep my emotions under control on the wedding day.

His arms got wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer deepening the kiss. He tasted so good right now that I couldn't stop myself.

*knock knock knock*

The sound of the door being knocked made us pull away from each other and Ae looked at the door. Even before he could ask who it was the person from the other side shouted out, "If you are done eating each other then please come out. We still have many more things to do."

I giggled while Ae huffed in annoyance. "Get lost Can... Don't disturb." Ae shot back. "I will... you aren't married yet to keep celebrating your honeymoon all the time. Come out fast, we need to go to select the wedding rings and cake too." Can replied.

"Guess, we don't have any other option." Ae sighed and then let go off me. "I'll be waiting outside." I said while I exited the room quickly. Don't ask me what happened next because my face looked like a ripe tomato!!!

The Mafia's Doll (Mpreg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें