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Shin's POV 

I now have a girlfriend who is also my best friend, isn't it the best! But it wasn't time for daydreaming I was late for work. I guess I slept in cause my body has been giving me trouble lately. I need to get it checked soon but not now. 

I got off the bed and rushed to take a shower. I brushed and showered by myself and got ready. I decided to wear a black turtleneck with a black coat and my darl brown shoes. I gave myself a check on the outfit and left home. On my to work I kept thinking of moving from Oka's apartment, it's kinda weird to stay in your girlfriend's house I thought to myself. I reached work after 5 minutes and parked the car and took the left to my cabin. 

I am liking my work now, cause it's something I always wanted to do, and I will figure things out. I could myself getting closer to things, but something is stopping or someone is stopping me. I need to figure it out. It's like this person is very close by watching all my moves. 

I am still thinking about my mom and her box of files which had all the sources of my research. I still had it in my office. My dad is hiding something and I am sure of it. He knows something that he doesn't want to me know, but I will find it out. 

I need to go back to that warehouse, I can find something related to the gang. But those guys know me and now it's not possible for me to go there as a reporter. I'll wait till the sun sets and try my best to go there when those huge guys go away. I hope they sleep soon. 

---Skip tonight---

It looks scary even at night, but what's surprising is that there are guards present even now, it's 3 in the morning. I hope the guards don't realize a person is around the warehouse. I ran around the warehouse to the back side hoping no one is on rounds now. 

I find a window open on the top of the warehouse, I tried getting inside but it's kinda hard to get inside when it's at a huge height. But luckily I was able to peep inside and see things, but I saw something I thought I wouldn't see. 

I saw guns and bombs, why even drugs but not a woman bound with chains. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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