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Shin's POV

It's been 3 days since I moved in with Oka. I have my own room, they provided me with. Being an Investigative journalist can sometimes be dangerous to you and everyone around you that's why I had to stay with Oka. I am worried about Oka and her dad, but I know they can be safe. Oka is a lawyer for a lot of rich and shady people, hopefully, she can be safe from this case of mine. 

Tomorrow is my mom's death anniversary, dad asked me to come home for the occasion. One of the other reasons for not staying with dad is the memories of mom which are left behind. I was really affected by her death, I loved her a lot, and it broke me a lot. Anyhow, I decided to go home just for this once. I came out of my room to find Oka and her dad busy packing things. 

Oka was the one who comforted me when mom died. She knows what's tomorrow, they are packing things to take to mom's grave. I smiled at them both and walked towards the kitchen island. I did help them for a while, with a big burden in my heart. I knew one thing for sure, my mom wasn't killed in a random accident, someone was behind it and to find it out I wanted to become an investigative journalist. By the time we were done with the packing, I received a call from my dad who wanted to remind me of coming home tomorrow. We were done with our packing and went to our rooms, Oka's dad had to go outside to check on some transport issues his company is facing. I went over to my bed and all the memories of mom flooded my mind and without realizing I started to cry. I looked at my whiteboard with all the red threads flowing in different directions.  

Yakuza, why was everyone afraid of that name? who was controlling it? why? who? were the things that kept me bothering over and over. I heard gunshots outside my window, but I didn't pay much attention, Oka told me it was a regular issue happening over the place, Small gangs use their weapons to scare people. Having all these thoughts in my mind I drifted to sleep. 


I woke up early today, I wasn't in the mood to sleep at all. I took a shower and wore a peach shirt, it was mom's favorite color. I decided to make breakfast for Oka and Ahasi, they were still asleep. After an hour they came out and I was done with breakfast. I made toast with bacon and jam. Dad had called over five times to ask when I will be arriving at the cemetery. We were done with breakfast and left the apartment together. Oka drove her BMW at a full speed. We weren't in a rush, but she wanted to show off. And she keeps telling me ' Perks of being a lawyer for rich people. She is still the childish little girl with who I grew up, but I still wonder how she manages to win cases with her childish behavior. She was the topper in her law school. 

We reached the cemetery and dad was waiting for us there already. I went over to him and he hugged me tight, followed by Ahasi and then Oka. We went to mom's grave and stood before it. I saw her beautiful face on the grave. My mom is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes were always bright and were soft. Oka kept down her flowers and paid her respect. Everyone did what they had to, I was standing still looking at her grave. My dad took a deep breath and left me alone. He was accompanied by Ahasi and Oka. Just like me and Oka, my dad and Ahasi were friends for a long time. My dad told me they were partners in business, but I never knew what it was about. I sat down on the grass and saw my mom's grave. I started to cry over her grave. I missed her more than ever. I haven't seen her in so long. During my time in the US, I didn't even come home once, I missed her so much and I kept crying till I was all empty.

3rd person POV

They were watching in from afar, they saw him crying over his mom's grave. 

Meanwhile, in a warehouse, bulky men stood with guns in their hands practicing and working out, and there was one person seated in the chair overlooking all of them. He was a tall brown-haired muscle man.  He is commanding his people to do tasks and get the illegal weapons from the port. Until he was stopped by a phone call. 

"Yes, boss" the muscle man spoke

" Shinjen Hime, 28, Investigative Journalist, keep an eye on him. He is trying to get into our business" The anonymous person spoke from the other side. 

"Yes, boss" the muscle man replied.

He started calling his men and assigning them jobs to keep an eye on Shin. These guys followed Shin, everywhere. 

Little did Shin know about him being watched and followed, even at his mom's grave. 

Shin's POV

Oka came over and comforted me. She helped me stand and told me we were leaving. I couldn't leave, but I had to, I made a silent promise to mom, that I will find the reason for her death and left with Oka. We drove for half an hour and finally reached my house. Dad started off before us and kept the doors open for us. 

I went inside my home and the warmness hit me hard and so did the memories. I went off to my room and saw it was the same as how I left it back then. The picture of me and mom was kept on my nightstand. I couldn't stand watching it anymore. I went inside my parent's room. Dad started using the spare room ever since mom died. He said their room was full of mom and he would miss her every moment he stayed there in that room. I walked inside my parent's room and it was true, my mom's clothes, her accessories everything was the same. It's like she is still here living with us. I walked over to her study spot. My mom was a professor in Criminology, all her books remained the same. 

I noticed a cardboard box near the table. I haven't seen it before but now it was there. I sat down and opened the box. It contained information about gangs and something about illegal weapons shipment along with human trafficking. At the end of the box was a big file, named 'Yakuza'. But why did mom have this file? Did she know about Yakuza ? Is it that gang that killed her? I opened the file and there was a picture of a steel finger and behind the photo, it was written ' him'. Now, who is this? And why did mom write it? Why did she have it? I wanted to look deeper, but dad called me for dinner. I took the entire box along with the file and left the room. I walked downstairs and kept the box in the living room and went off to dinner. 

It was silent, I didn't mind actually I didn't feel like talking actually, I needed some silence. But, dad started talking.

"Ahasi, I hope my son isn't disturbing you or Oka, do take care of him for me" My dad spoke to Ahasi. I kicked my dad on his leg and laughed at me. 

"Oh, Shin is like always, silent and doing his work, if he was like Oka here, I have to be worried" Ahasi replied getting a stare from Oka. 

"Speaking of work, what's the important case you working on?" Dad asked me. Right, I haven't told him yet about it. 

"It's about investigating a gang and their works," I told dad, eating my pasta. 

"Gang, which one?" my dad asked curiously. 

"Yakuza," I told him. 

My dad stood up from his chair and looked at me shocked. 

"If you think, you're my son, better drop that case and don't even think of that gang" my dad spoke so angrily and walked from the table and looked at me and Ahasi before he went off to his room and banged the door. 

What caused dad to be so angry? What?


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