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Shin's POV

Ok, what just happened? Oka told me she liked me, probably a dream but it's not it's a true incident that I am currently trying to overcome. Truth be told, I know I am exaggerating but I never expected her to come to me and tell her feeling first, I thought guys had to do these kinds of things, well I wanted to say it first. 

Ya, I like her, liked her for a long time. When I was bullied in school which no one knew cause the current me is famous so people just presume I was famous back then as well, but it's not true. When my mom went missing, the kids in my class started making fun of me and I used to cry every day thinking about it over and over again, the only person who was there to give me a shoulder was Oka. I know it's kinda weird but she was my knight in shining armor. I grew up liking her more, eventually like turned to love and my heart has these tingling feelings every time she's next to me or does something cute. That's love ya? 

Umm, well I am gonna stop talking to myself and tell him, Oka, my feeling before she thinks I am crazy. 

"Oka, I am kinda surprised and happy that you told me how you feel, you know I am not good at expressing things myself, but since we are all open now * deep breathe* I like you too, in fact, I like you a lot and since you haven't asked I will ask you" 

"What," Oka asked with her shy pink cheeks 

I didn't waste any time " Will you be my girlfriend?" 

Oka looked like a goldfish but with her mouth open, I knew it was too fast but I thought since we both told our feelings it would be good, apparently it wasn't a good idea.

"Yes" I looked up to her with a wide smile, she was already laughing. 

We were officially girlfriend and boyfriend now. I was the happiest now, none of the problems I had on my mind was available at that moment, it was only us. Our first date ended in an amazing kiss with a view of the night city. 

Tokyo is the best when it comes to nightlife. 

We drove home together after dinner, both of us holding hands and singing songs. I know it's cringe but can't help it:). Love makes us mad. We reached home around 1.30 am. Oka's dad slept, we sneaked in slowly and went to our rooms, not without a good night kiss and hugs. 

I was in bed thinking of the day when my phone chimed on the notification, it was from Oka.

"Goodnight, boyfriend❤" 

I laughed at that cute message, oh gosh something is happening to me. You know that feeling, where you think your crush doesn't know of your existence but suddenly he/she comes over and sits next to you lays on your shoulder. That feeling is what I felt. I smiled mentally and replied her

"Goodnight girlfriend💕" 


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