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Third person's POV 

The person walked fast being followed by his bodyguards towards a particular direction in his huge hallway of rooms. He increased his pace once he got an phone call from one of his men. He stopped his walking once he stood in front of the room no 5. The bulk man in front of the room bowed and wished his boss. He told his men to wait outside and went inside the room that looked more like a hotel apartment except that all the windows were sealed and no phones were to be found. He walked inside that room and looked round nodding his head to find it all in position. That room was always under surveillance except for the washroom. He walked further and saw the lady sitting on the couch holding a photo frame. He went to her and sat next to her, she flinched and moved back noticing his unwelcomed presence. 

"How have you been Sara ?" The man asked her. She just looked up and nodded her head. She was afraid of him, ofcourse she had to be he was a devil in disguise. He bet her and tortured her but never has he touched her unintenially. 

"Answers" he growled at the poor lady 

"Yes, I am fine" She replied in a low volume 

"Umm, good to know, you know I came in here very angrily" He told her with anger 

"Please don't hurt me, I didn't do anything " she cried literally have tears pool down her eyes

" Oh no, I am not gonna , but I might harm that little boy in your photo" He smirked. Sara's eyes widened in his words. She thought to herself to herself, how much of a monster is this guy? But she looked confused at him.  He smiled at her pathetic condition and started to walk to around the room. 

"You see, you're son has completed his studies and is now digging his nose into my BUSINESS" he screamed at her. 

"He is a certified investigation journalist, and thinks he can find dirt in me, but too bad that's gonna end soon" He was so angry he broke a vase near by. Sara was unaffected by his words all she was thinking was her baby boy who now graduated and is brave as ever. She did feel a pinch of pain in heart for missing so many years of his life. She was kidnapped by the monster and her very own husband was pushed to a situation to fake her own death. 

Noticing her not paying attention only brought more anger to him. He choked her and showed the anger of her son to Sara. Once he was done he went out the door banging it hard enough for objects to vibrate. 

Sara fell down and weeped badly thinking her son's life is in danger for the one mistake she had done . If only she hadn't snooped around the files they could have been a happy family. She started blaming herself and cried more. 

On his way out, he told his men to keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe. 

He walked back to his office and pulled up his phone and dialled a number. Once the person on the other side picked up he spoke, 

" I warned her, but you should keep him out of our way, if he does this again, I have to kill him no matter who is, you get that right" he spoke 

"Yes" was all the person replied and disconnected the call. 

- Skip to time -

Oka's POV 

I am waiting at the restrarunt where Me and Shin will have our dinner. I came like 30 mins earlier and sitting her practising my speech. I am gonna tell him , my feelings. I have held on that for so long. Yes, I am in love with Shin for long as I remember. Let's say he was my first love and is my first love. Everyone avoided me , they said I was weird but he was my knight in shining armor, I thought it was just puppy love, but those feelings just became more and more , that moment I knew I was in love with him. He told me when we grow up he would show me the whole world, but then when time grew, he became my whole world without me realizing it. I am gonna just pour it out.

Everyone wonders how I end up being the most expensive lawyer but with a childish behaviour and at such young age, well I myself used to think that but let's say its in my gene. My mom was a lawyer and a good one too. I basically grew up arguing with my dad about getting things for us and I always won, it was inspiration for being a lawyer, but I scored more in criminal law and saw the opportunity in this and just grabbed. I know I wont be any danger I have a lot of contacts. 

I was pulled away from my thoughts when Shin came and sat down in all his handsomeness. I smiled at him and the waiter brought the menu cards and we ordered our food. 

" Where's your dad?" He asked taking a sip of his wine. 

"Umm, he has to work overtime they have some packages to come" Lie, I lied to him, my dad's actually having pizza at home. He knows about my feeling so he thought he should let me have some alone time. 

Our food came and we ate it in silence, I decided it now or never. 

"Shin" he looked up and nodded

"Ok, So I want to tell you something, don't interrupt in between , I held onto my feeling for you for so long, and now I want to tell you that, ever since we were little I liked you, but when I grew I realized it something more than liking you, I am in love with Shin and if I didn't tell you this I would regret it all my life" 

I looked at him and he looked at me like I had two heads, well something I expected, but I hope he doesn't hate me. 


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