"I'm going to go get changed and I'll meet you back out here. Sound good?"

I nod and he heads away from me and down the hallway where I hear a soft slick of his bedroom open and close. I stand up and head over to the couch in the living room, thinking that I may want to practice a small song when I get into the ballroom to get an idea of the overall feel and acoustics of the room for when I perform at the mating ball.

It's a few minutes before I come to a decision on a song to sing, and as I do I hear Nate's door open and close again. I look over to my right as he comes into my view and hot damn. Casual black dress pants, black dress shirt with a black vest over top. Both sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms and his hair is tousled and messy, as if he just ran his hands through it a few times.

He flashes me a smirk as if he knows what I'm thinking, and I blush slightly.

"Ready?" He asks and I stand up and walk over to stand beside him. "Of course. Lead the way."

- - -

Nathaniel's POV

Ivy and I head back into the main hall, towards the ballroom area of the palace. I glance at her quickly as she walks beside me, drawn in yet again by her beauty. I know she's feeling something for me, but ever since the kiss in the car, she's clearly been holding back. I don't blame her; we did get hot and heavy for that moment. I've caught her stares and can only really imagine what she's thinking, but it would be nice to know exactly what goes through her mind.

I open the door back to the main hall and allow her to go first, following closely behind to open the next door that goes directly into the ballroom itself. As we enter, I see workers and assistants all walking around, as they prepare the room for the mating ball. As far as I know, they've been at it for a few weeks now, completely changing the normally plain space into this wonderous room to host the packs coming this year.

I've always enjoyed the ballroom, with its long expanse, floor to ceiling windows with doors that lead to multiple balconies outside, and large candle-lit crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. It's always been a room of history, with it's elaborate decorated walls and flooring, although mother did have the floors replaced last year. It has its own personality, similarly to how my wing is different from the rest of the palace.

The stage has been set up against the wall in the middle of the large room, decorated with dark wine-coloured fabrics that match the décor of the array of tables that are currently being set up as well. Ivy and I continue walking until we're closer to the large stage and she turns to me, her eyes wide.

"This is so beautiful!" She exclaims as she continues to look around. She looks at the stage and then back to me. "Can I go up?"

I nod slightly, "Yeah, that's fine, did you just want to see what it's like up there or?" I question, unsure as to why she's wanting to go up onto the stage when the room isn't fully set up.

"I'll explain. Come on up with me." She states as she goes around to the side stairs, and I shrug my shoulders and follow. I continue following until her and I are standing right in the middle of the stage and then she turns to face me yet again, her green eyes alight with excitement and her red waves flowing with her movement.

"A good performer always knows their venue." She starts as she turns away and suddenly a smooth note comes flowing out of her mouth, echoing slightly.

"I know the room isn't fully set up yet, but it's nice to have an idea of how my voice sounds in here. It's a large room, larger than that of Iron Wolf, so I will have to make some adjustments to accommodate for that."

"I see, that does make sense."

In all honestly, I understand some of musical theory, but more when it comes to instruments, not necessarily voice. I find myself intrigued as to her knowledge, and I feel more anticipation in terms of hearing her perform at the ball when the room is completely ready. I'm drawn out of my thoughts as I hear the most wonderful tone coming from her as she starts to sing.

"Coming out, out of the deep dark
Like a spear into her cold heart
Dark Love Empress
Her golden secret
Sent away to far away countries
Her despair and fear
Sunrise to final sunset"

Her voice is mesmerizing and hearing it this close makes me shiver. I see her effortlessly hit note after note, her arms and hand raising in emphasis to what she's singing.

"After the midnight hour
Keep going
Keep going
In the third night watch
We are falling from the storm wind
After the midnight hour
We're rising
Wе're rising
We feel the storm wind
We blow away the sky"

She finishes and I can't help but smile at her as she turns to face me again. "Amazing, simply amazing songbird." I say and I see the blush creep up into her cheeks.

"Thank you." She says softly and then out attention is drawn across the room as claps start to echo throughout the room, all the staff having stopped to listen. I smile as I see my mother approaching the stage, clapping loudly. She stops at the front of the stage.

"That was simply beautiful! I assume you are Ivy?" She questions and I see Ivy nod.

"Come on down here and let me get a look at you!" My mother exclaims and Ivy turns to me, her eyes showing a bit of unease, but I smile and try to reassure her. She walks past me, and I follow her back down, us both coming to a stop in front of my mother.

She's always been a striking beauty, my mother. She's got black hair like me, pin straight and down to her waist. Rounded, amber-coloured eyes that show every single emotion she feels, with porcelain skin and soft features. She's on the shorter side, but the heels she wears pretty much everyday make up for that. When she's in her regal clothes she looks way more intimidating that she does now in a simple grey dress with black heels.

"Ivy you are a beauty, and your voice is heavenly. I am so glad that Nathaniel found you to perform here for the ball! It's going to be so wonderful." My mother almost gushes at her and Ivy chuckles slightly.

"Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words. I'm still trying to decide exactly what to perform, but I have a better idea now."

"I for one cannot wait to hear it." I interject and my mother smiles at me. "Same, my son."

A few moments pass, and it dawns on me. "Mother, is it almost time for the meeting?" I ask, now realizing that it must be close, and she nods. "Yes, I came to get you as there's a few things to discuss before the other Reigns arrive."

"Okay. Ivy, will you be okay without me for now?" I ask and she looks at me and nods. "Of course, you go do your duties, I'll just walk around and then head back to your wing and work on my song list."

"I'll text you when I'm done and we can meet up, okay?" She smiles. "Sounds great. See you later." She turns away from me and my mother and I turn and walk in the opposite direction of her. Once we're out of earshot, my mother wraps her arm into mine as we walk and blindsides me.

"Were you planning to tell me that Ivy is yourmate?"


 - This took so long to write! Apologies for the late update! Cannot wait to get into these new chapters!

 - Lyrics are from Dark Love Empress by Leaves' Eyes

 - See you in the next one! - vv

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