Sechsundvierzig | Fortysix

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Next race: Monza.

Lotte's eyes were focused on the TV. The TV showed the footage of the track in Italy. Monza had always been one of Lotte's favourite tracks. The third practice almost came to an end; there were three more minutes left. Lotte bit her lip and watched Mick driving a good lap. The TV showed some footage of the fans around the track; the sun was out, fans were wearing caps and trying to stay cool with water. For a moment, Lotte was happy she was standing in a cooled garage, but then she remembered her family was out next to the track in the heat.

This weekend was Papa's birthday weekend; the kids had given him a trip to Monza for his birthday. Lotte had been watching the first two practices with her family out next to the track. For the third session, Mick had asked if she wanted to join his family in the garage - just for this session. Lotte was in doubt because she wanted to say yes to Mick, but she didn't want to leave her family behind. + her best friend was out there as well. However, it was Jasmine who sent Lotte to Mick: "Because one session is just one session. And it's your boyfriend. And enjoy the air-conditioning."

Guests put off their headsets when both the Haas cars entered the garage.

"I really hope things get better," Gina breathed and looked at Lotte. "It's not his weekend."

"Yeah, it doesn't look too fabulous," Lotte admitted and pressed a thin-lipped smile on her face. "I'm not liking it here."

Gina smirked at how dramatic Lotte reacted. "Yeah."

"But at least Sainz is P2; that's the only positive thing." Besides Mick, Lotte was a fan of Sainz. Sebastian used to be her number one (Mick secretly used to be her number two during the days their contact was off. He moved to a shared number one after they had re-meet again), but Sebastian said goodbye to the sport last year. "Max being the fastest is normal now; Leclerc third is fine."

"I get you. But it's just a practice. These mechanics can be magicians sometimes," Gina tried to stay positive. The two followed Corinna and other people to the exit of the garage. "And I'm saying that way too often that it is not even giving me hope anymore."

Lotte giggled and covered her mouth with her hand. "Gien, no. We are way too negative about this," she shared.

"It's not looking positive, Lot. But we need to get out of the negative spiral." Gina hung her headset on its holder.

"On the other hand, Mick didn't make an excursion to the gravel. The others did," Lotte mentioned and put the headset away as well.

"That is true."

The group entered the heat. It felt like a thick, warm blanket fell on their shoulders. It happened to be one of the warmest weekends in Italy as well. Lotte looked around, greeting some people from Ferrari with whom she used to work.

"Will you be staying for qualifying?" Corinna asked Lotte when they sat down around a table in the hospitality, getting some cold and refreshing drinks.

Lotte placed her tote bag on the table. "I'm not sure yet. I don't want to leave the fam alone, but I also don't want to leave here..." She blew up her cheeks. "I think I'm gonna go back to the fam. It's Papa's weekend after all."

"Yes, you should go to them. It won't be your last time in the garage," Corinna replied and warmly smiled.

"Yeah, that is true." Lotte nodded. "I've been there last week as well." She grabbed the Ferrari shirt out of her bag.

It made Gina laugh. "A Ferrari shirt, come on, Lot," she laughed.

"What?" An amusing smile played on Lotte's face. Her cheeks started to heat up because everyone around the table was watching her. "I'm not gonna wear a Ferrari shirt in the Haas garage or in the paddock. And around the track, I'm not gonna wear normal clothes while everybody else is wearing crazy team shirts. I have to blend in," she explained like it was a master strategy.

To be continued... || Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now