Dreißig | Thirty

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A laugh escaped Mick's mouth.

"No, but for real, sometimes I see something from the previous race or even last year, and I'm just so embarrassed by it," Carlos Sainz added to Charles Leclerc's comment.

"Arthur sometimes sends me TikToks of me doing awkward, and I am just disappointed in myself for doing it," Charles said.

"Everything is filmed these days, we are not safe anymore," Mick added. "I try to avoid those things massively."

Charles took a sip from his wine. "I try too. But then there's Arthur and Charlotte, always sending me those videos."

Mick's eyes shortly widened when Charles said Charlotte's name, and his heart skipped a beat. He obviously referred to his girlfriend, but Lotte's full name was Charlotte as well. He was actually surprised at how he reacted, why would his heart skip a beat when a certain name was called? The party was still alive, everyone was still around. Mick looked over Carlos' shoulder, scanning the people behind him. And then behind Carlos.

The conversation between Carlos and Charles continued. Mick kept listening, but when Antonio Giovinazzi joined, a new conversation formed between the German and Italian. It was about personal stuff, but it quickly turned also into a motorsport topic.

The eyes of Mick were gliding over the other guests, it was like he was waiting for someone. He knew how to do it unnoticeably. For probably the fifth time this evening, his eyes fell on the person he was hoping for.

Lotte was laughing together with another woman, they were talking about something that involved a lot of hand gestures and dramatic facial expressions. A soft smile came on Mick's face, she was so beautiful when she was laughing; she showed happiness and some way of love, of being appreciated. The light green coloured dress hugged Lotte's body lightly, it beautifully highlighted her curves. Her hair had some kind of curl in it, it was soft, but it suited her well.

After a while, the woman excused herself, leaving Lotte behind at the table. Lotte finished her drink and walked away from the table.

Mick's eyes were following her. No, stop. Stop following her, it's creepy. He quietly gasped for air when someone bumped into her and sprained her right ankle. The person didn't even notice it, but Lotte tried to keep it all together. Her body language showed pain, but she continued walking like nothing had happened. A sprained ankle... That hurt.

"I'm going to get a new drink. Do you want anything?" Mick asked Antonio, hoping he would say no.

"No, I'm good, thanks," Antonio replied.

Mick showed a smile and gave him a nod. He walked away, making his way through all the guests. Once he left the party area, he looked around. There was no way she had left this quickly. Mick looked to his right, a girl was taking off her heels and leaning against the wall. He walked towards her. "Are you okay?"

It made Lotte look up, she was surprised to see Mick. He looked worried. "Yes. I mean, no." She blew out some air. "Fuck, this hurts," she muttered and closed her eyes. "I'm really trying not to cry because that would ruin my makeup," she blurted.

"I saw it happening..." Mick looked around in the hallway, figuring out where the kitchen was. "We have to put ice on it."

"Nah, it's fine." She looked down and tried to move around her ankle. It hurt, but she didn't want to show it. Lotte bit her lip and looked back at Mick. "Maybe I should."

He nodded and showed a warm smile. "I know there is a kitchen around here," he said and looked around. Mick looked at Lotte, who was trying to walk, but her face spoke volumes. "Here," he softly said and wrapped his arm around her back. "Lean against me."

To be continued... || Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now