Achtunddreißig | Thirtyeight

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Lotte walked back to the bedroom after a visit to the bathroom. No thoughts were going through her mind; she just wanted to close her eyes again. It was in the middle of the night, and it was quiet. The storm had finally stopped. But that made it creepy for Lotte. At every small sound, she got a mini heart attack.

When she entered the bedroom again, she grabbed her phone, closed one eye, and tapped on her screen. It was four o'clock in the morning. That was good because that meant she could sleep for a little longer - it felt like she had barely slept this night already. Well, two hours of sleep wasn't much. Her eyes fell on the top notification, it was a mail from the airline company.

Both her eyes grew round when she read the title. "Verdammt," she whispered and sighed. "You've got to be kidding me." Lotte sighed; now what? Should I wake Mick? Or should I just go and leave a note? She bit her lip, this wasn't something she was waiting for. "Mick," she whispered. "Mick."

A deep sigh came from Mick's side. He twirled around in the bed. "Hmm."

"I have to go," she mentioned. "So I go now." For once, Lotte was responsible enough to pack her bag hours before she had to leave yesterday. Usually, she would pack her bag just a few minutes before leaving, but she packed last night. Perhaps it had to do with the four items she had to pack. She wasn't prepared to stay two more days in Italy, so she had only one outfit.

"Okay," he mumbled. "Is it nine o'clock already then?" His eyes were still closed.

"No, it's four in the morning," Lotte answered. "The flight is moved forward to six o'clock."

Mick opened his eyes. "What?"

"Yup..." she breathed. "So will be leaving then." She bit her lip again, this was not planned. "Go back to sleep, we will call tomorrow."

He sat up and ran his hand through his hair. The light from Lotte's phone lightened the room. "But..." A thin line appeared between his eyebrows, he was confused. "How?"

"I don't know, I have this email, saying the times got changed. Man, I'm going to file a complaint. Four hours beforehand... Are they insane?" She looked at him, he looked so lost, confused and sleepy at the same time. "But go back to sleep, sorry for waking you," she softly chuckled. "I'm going to call a taxi."

He shook his head. "I'll bring you," he said. "This is weird," he breathed.

"Can you even drive?"

"Yes." Mick turned on a light and got out of bed. "Do we have to leave now or..?"

"Preferably, yes."

"Let's go then." He put on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Mick grabbed a second hoodie and threw it toward Lotte on the bed. "I'm downstairs."

Lotte was faced away from him, putting on her bra and a t-shirt. "Keep it," she said, pointing at the clothes.

"It's cold outside."

"I don't need it."

Mick took a deep breath, stubborn. He grabbed the hoodie and took it with him anyway, knowing she would need it anyway. She didn't see it; she was busy putting on the trousers and grabbed her charger and phone. He walked downstairs, entering the kitchen. He put on the crane and splashed some cold water on his face to wake up more. Gosh, it was early. Mick found a cap on the kitchen table and put it on, not knowing to who it belonged. "Do you have everything?"

"I think so," Lotte yawned.


She nodded. They walked to the hallway, where they put on their shoes. Mick grabbed the car keys and a pair of house keys. Lotte was carrying the trolley and her bag, ensuring she wouldn't wake everyone. They walked to the car, and Mick stepped in, turning on the engine and heater right away. He waited for Lotte.

To be continued... || Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now