Fünfzehn | Fifteen

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"The drama of the last race," Shirley dramatically said and looked at her phone. "Not gonna lie, the memes and content we got are just brilliant." It was April, meaning the last race was in Imola.

A soft smile came on Lotte's lips. "I love how when a race is a complete disaster, we get the best content. I'm living for these races."

"I'm waiting for chaotic races. I totally understand the normal races are the best for the teams and drivers, but as a watcher, the races where everything goes wrong is amazing." Shirley yawned. It was back to school day, and they were waiting for the last class. Shirley and Lotte sat in the canteen, drinking coffee and eating a sandwich. "I'm not used to these classes anymore. By the way, how is Mick?"

Lotte looked around and stretched her back. The waiting for the next class was horrible, they had a two-hour break. She liked the idea of working better. "He's fine," she mentioned. "Just got back from Italy."

"Hmm-hmm." Shirley hummed and took a sip from her bottle of water. "He's doing better this season."

"Obviously. First seasons are like tryouts," Lotte replied right away. "Testing the limits, getting to know the team and stuff. And I can't deny it was difficult with everything around the team."

"Oh, goodness, yes. What did he think of it?"

Lotte shrugged. "I haven't really asked about it," she honestly answered. "But you know, Mick just accepts it and finds a way to live with it."

"That's something I admire so much. Not to sound weird, but that man needs to be protected at all costs. He has been through so much, and he still made it."

An uncomfortable look came on Lotte's face; this is awkward. "Right, yeah..." She ran her hand through her hair and looked at her phone to see if she had received a new message.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"A month ago," Lotte muttered and pressed her lips into a thin line. "But yeah, it is what it is. How is your man doing?"

Shirley's eyes widened. "One whole month? I wouldn't survive that."

"I'm barely surviving it."

"Why don't you just fly over?"

A questionable frown came on Lotte's forehead. "Just fly over?"

"Yeah, he was in Italy last weekend. It's basically around the corner," Shirley said.

Lotte shook her head. "I had that resit exam on Saturday," she breathed, Shirley started to work on her nerves. "Can we please talk about something else? We're always only talking about Mick," she quietly asked.

"Ow, you still could've just flown over to support him..."

"I have my work, school, I can't 'just' fly over. And even I had no issues with that, I still wouldn't fly over every race. It's his thing, he wouldn't want me to be there every race. Besides, I can't afford that, I'm a broke student who can barely pay my rent. Let alone buying airplane tickets for every weekend. I won't let Mick pay for it, I'm not living on his money. Are you insane?"

"Well, you're his girlfriend after all..." Shirley acted like it was the most normal thing on earth to 'just' fly over to a race. "I mean, Charlotte, Carmen, Sandra, Tiffany, and Kelly are also travelling along. They're there almost every weekend."

"Yes, because they live with them," Lotte shot back. "I'm living in the Netherlands, Mick in Switzerland. Travelling to each other costs around six hours, I can't just travel with him. They're a model or whatever they are, they have another kind of responsibilities than uni. I need to get a diploma, they are already famous. Or are studying in the same country or city as their boyfriend. Do you see Katarina often with Pierre? Barely." She didn't understand it. Actually, she did. But it wasn't just as easy as it sounded like. "That you are the student who barely does anything and still passes everything. I have to work hard for it."

To be continued... || Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now