Zehn | Ten

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Mick left the garage; the third and last practice of the first race weekend just ended in Bahrain. After a small debrief, he was ready to get something to eat. There was just over an hour left until the qualifying session.

"Oi," someone said. Mick looked around and spotted Sebastian, who was walking towards Mick. "Good session, ey?"

"I really cannot wait to race," Mick shared and smiled. "It's getting better and better every session. Now I want to finish it. Yours did look good as well."

"It's just so good to be back," Sebastian said and widely smiled. "But I have to get used to it. It's intense, it's all so new, and I'm still searching for the right points to hit."

"For real," Mick breathed. "It looks the same, but it's not." He got a snack and something to drink, Sebastian got it from his assistant as well.

"How is Lotte?" Sebastian then asked. "I thought that she would be here? Like everyone's partner does. But that's an assumption."

Mick nodded. "She has a new mentor at the pastry store, and she's a pain in the arse, she couldn't get some days off. And she has to work on her thesis, finish up a project. Next time she will be here."

"It doesn't sound like she's enjoying her internship anymore..."

"She dislikes it, possible on the edge of hating it," Mick shared and nodded when he saw the concerned look on Sebastian's face. "But she keeps saying: it's just those last three months of a four-year study... I'm proud of her. She keeps pushing and doesn't give up. I would have been gone if that was my boss."

"But as she said: the last three months of a four-year study... However, it shouldn't be happening." Sebastian took a sip of his drink. "She's a kind girl. Back in the day, she used to be shy. How did you and Lotte re-connect again?"

A small, but proud smile came on Mick's face. He quickly realised he was out in public. So he just smiled like he usually would; a neutral smile. "Lapland last Christmas," he shared. "She arrived a few days later due to school, so she and her sister Colette arrived in the middle of the night. The next day, Colette was up before Lotte. But when Lotte came downstairs... I just shared one look, and boom, I was sold."

"Basically, love at first sight."

"Yeah, basically yes. We hadn't seen each other for a couple of years, so I guess you can call it like that."

"And what did your family say about it?" Sebastian looked curious. Mick raised his eyebrows. "Because you have known Lotte for years..."

"At first, they were in shock, but they accepted it," Mick explained, leaving out all the details. "It just sucks that she lives in Maastricht, and I travel around the world. I think if you're together for a long time, it's hard, but difficult to deal with."

Sebastian nodded, he could understand it - even though he never had to deal with it in this way. "When was the last time you saw her?"

"Valentine's Day." A month ago. "And we have known each other for a long time, so I know it's good between us, but it just sucks. I can't support her now with her internship, and calling feels so...distancing then." Mick took a deep breath. "It's all we can do, and we make the absolute best of it. We have dinner dates via FaceTime, and we FaceTime when doing computer work. You interact with each other, but still have your own job to do."

"You will find a way, give and take. And when you see her, it will be extra more fun."

"How do you do it? You have a family waiting for you when you get home. I get home in an empty house, when lucky, Angie is there or I picked her up..."

How do you do it... Sebastian blew up his cheeks, he got into the relationship before joining F1, so he kinda rolled into it. "I obviously grew up without devices and internet, but back then, we called often or wrote letters. Now you have FaceTime, WhatsApp..." He was thinking about the advice he would give. "In the beginning, it should be easy like breathing. And if it's not, then you're not compatible. You shouldn't be fighting, convincing each other to change or be stressed about them. Like I said, it should be easy, no forcing. And like you're doing now, FaceTime every now and then. I wouldn't call every day - that makes it less special, but that's personal. When you see each other, cherish the moment more. And just do what feels right." He warmly smiled. "Meet up halfway in a weekend when you're both free - for a day like tourists or a weekend with a sleepover. Saarbrücken perhaps... I don't know."

Mick nodded and bit on the inside of his lip.

"You're both doing fine! The first couple of weeks are hard, but if you both want it, it'll work. Don't be too insecure. It's fine if you are, but too much is working backwards. But most importantly: be happy. If you see her name pop up on your phone, it should make you smile - absolutely the same when you see her. Maybe send her a handwritten card, flowers... But don't overdo it."

"Thank you," Mick smiled, it was a small smile. He sometimes was struggling with the current situation, and then he would call her, it made him feel better. However, he was struggling this weekend the most. He was on this own, his family was at home, Lotte couldn't make it... And it wouldn't help that Lotte wasn't active online.

The two German's spoke for a while. After the advice, it went about small tips and tricks on the track and some moments of other drivers. Everyone was getting excited about the upcoming qualifying, they could compete again and show what their car had this year.

Sebastian went his own way, Mick entered his hospitality and entered his room. He was about to do some stretching, driving around was attacking his muscles, especially in the first weekend back on track...

It also allowed Mick to check his phone. He was hoping for that one message. Multiple notifications popped up on his screen; news alerts, emails, WhatsApp messages from his mum and friends... But not from Lotte. Mick sat down on the bed and opened his WhatsApp.

The last time Lotte was online was 9:29 this morning. The last message he had sent, was at 10:01 - which still wasn't delivered. And he knew Lotte couldn't be online all day long, but this was weird... Yesterday she wished him good luck before a practice session or shared some updates on other drivers for Mick to read afterwards. Now it was quiet...

A disappointing feeling entered his body. It was not like he wanted to show off his results, but yesterday Lotte was just so excited. Mick was hyped up by Lotte, and that gave him positive energy. On the other hand, his energy level couldn't only depend on one person.

To be continued... || Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now