Once the red head left saying we had around twenty minutes to meet whoever Nagisa asked a question.

"...Um, Kimizuka? Probably should've asked earlier, but weren't we headed to someone's house?" She looked around kind of anxiously wondering why this was nothing like someone's home.

"Yeah. This is the house, Natsunagi."
"Where, exactly?!"

"Where? If I had to say, well... I mean, it is a prison."

"I noticed that; I'm asking why!" Natsunagi pulled on my ear like I was the one who did something.

"Listen up Natsunagi the term big house just means prison an euphemism you should know that much atleast." Kimizuka said it like it was common knowledge, although it kind of was when you're around 18 Nagisa.

"Common knowledge to who?"

"Common knowledge if you've been flying overseas with attaché cases full of unknown contents since you were in middle school."

"Boy, sure hope I never get to know anybody like that."

I started to walk forward ignoring the two of them from my impatience while they followed behind me until we reached the room at the end with the label "Bat" Kimihiko confirmed it was the one and the three of us walked in the cell if the man who could help Nagisa.

When I walked in the door I was greeted by a blonde man with hollow emerald eyes sat in a single chair behind a wall of bars.

"Well hello Ace Detective and Watson. It seems we have a new face here this time, who might you be?"

"Kanaf, Kanaf Kazuki. How about you?"

"The two behind me call me Bat you see. So I'd assume the same would go for you." I looked at Nagisa who shook her head signaling she didn't know him.

Kimihiko spoke to Bat this time.

"Nah, they're useless at this point. It doesn't really matter to me whether I've got eyes or not, though."

"I hear it matters to most people."

"We've got the same eyes now, Watson. Like a dead fish."

"That's the worst news I've heard this century."

"anyway. "I'm here because I wanted to talk to you, Bat."

"Huh. I bet. Unless there were special circumstances, there's no way you two would come all the way down here to see me."

You two, huh? That leads me to multiple theories. First I know now he can't see but can act as if he does, perhaps another sense of his is so potent it makes up for it? If Nagisa hadn't met him like she said and neither had I what would that mean? The questions just keep growing.

"Sure, go ahead and talk. Life in here is boring as hell. It'll make for a good way to kill time." With a hint of life in his voice, Bat urged Kimihiko continue.

Natsunagi introduced herself and our current problem. Bat then revealed it was his hearing with his purple tentacle attached to his ear and he could even hear up to a hundred kilometers away if he wanted to and recognized people by their heart. However he sacrificed his eye sight for it in exchange. He got Kimihiko to tell his story with his deceased crush Siesta on the plane. Once he had finished his story Nagisa walked over and stood behind me putting distance from Bat.

Butterfly Detective (Tanmoshi)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें