So this is love

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Also if there are any ideas or mistakes in my writing please lmk thank u <33

Gon's POV :

He's asleep on me right now.

I've had some time to think and I know it now.

I like Killua.

Like a lot.

I'm pretty sure he likes me back with everything he's done with me so far...

I just don't want to risk it so I'll wait a little bit longer.

I've stayed up a for a while and I've just been playing with Killua's hair.

He goes to God every night? I got scared he was doing things with other people... that's what confirmed my feelings.

The thought of Killua doing couple like things with someone else, nauseated me.

It's pretty late, so I'm drifting in and out of sleep.

I kiss Killua's forehead one more time and hold him a little tighter, before I finally go to sleep.

Killua's POV :

I wake up to Gon practically squeezing me to death, not that I mind or anything.

But, today Gon's teaching me how to ice skate!

I'm so excited, I've seen other humans do this before and it looks so lovey dovey, I could shit myself right now.

I get off of Gon as quiet as possible, so I can get everything ready for the day.

I have our outfits planned, food ready and some of Gon's money in my pocket right now.

Gon's taking forever to wake up.

Guess I'll have to help him out a little bit...

I get in a stance before jumping onto Gon.

He still looks dead asleep, so I just go for it. I run a little bit and jump on Gon, legs on both sides of him.

I begin to shake him a little bit, "Gooooonnnnn!!! Wake UPPP!!!" Gon groans a little bit, but doesn't move.

I huff a little before trying again, shaking him harder this time. "Gooooooooooonnn!!!! C'mon get UP! I'm BORED and I want to go ice skating!!!" He groans again and moved my hands away from his shoulders.

Are you kidding me.

I try again one more time, before I result in throwing him out of the window to wake him up.

I huff harder this time and put my hands back onto his shoulders and scoot my hips up and down a little this time, "Goooooooooon." No reaction. I shake his shoulders harder and scoot my hips harder this time, "Wake UPPPPP! I want to gooo ic-" Gon immediately jumps up, face as red as the Christmas blanket, hands on my hips, his eyes wide and almost falling out of his eye sockets.

Gon's breathing pretty heavily and looks like he's loosing his mind right now. "K-killua what the fuck." Gon stutters, while covering his mouth.

I smile as innocent as I can, making it seem like I have no idea what I'm doing. I scooted  just one more time for fun, "Let's gooo." I whine, throwing my hands at his chest.

Gon shivers a little and nods aggressively, "M-mhm yeah... u-uh yup! Mkay, j-just get off and I'll hurry and get r-ready, okay?" Gon says in a hurry.

I get off right away and nod, telling him to be quick or else...

Thank you, Killua (Gonkillu)Where stories live. Discover now