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"I want to see Spot." I stated to the two big Brooklyn boys. One shook his head. And the other looked hesitant. "I'm Kat Kelly." I added.

Both boys glace at each other and leave inside the Brooklyn Lodging house. In a few minutes I see Spot come out. "Kat! What brings you here?" He asked with a smile on his face. "I need your help." I said

Spot looked confused on why I was so solemn. I told him everything. Every detail from the beginning.  From when I met Viper to when I met Destiny to when Viper took me. Spot's mouth was almost on the floor. "That's horrible. I'm sorry Kat" He said.

"No need. We're trying to get him back the same way we won the strike." I tried hard to hold back any tears. "Of course, we're with you. I can send boys around other boroughs, getting them with us." Spot proposed

I nod. "Thanks, Spot." I turn to leave but his voice leaves me standing there. "We'll get him back. I promise" He gave his word. I slowly nod and leave.

I get back to the lodging house, longing to curl up in my bed and cry. I can't do that. I have to lead these boys. Just like Jack would've wanted. When I walked through the door, arms wrapped around my leg. I look down at Les.

"Davey just told me. I'm scared Kat." He whined. I kneeled down to his level. "I know, Les. But, we have to get Jack back, yes?" Les nods sadly.

"Spot's with us. He's rounding up all the other boroughs." I announce. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Katherine standing before me, a solemn look on her face. I ran into her arms.

I have always loved Katherine. I knew she would be a good fit for Jack. But, being in her arms now, makes me admire her more. I took a deep breath and pulled away. With no words, she handed me a piece of paper.

The title read "ROGUE MAN CAPTURES BELOVED NEWSIE" Of course she wrote an article. I would've expected nothing less from Katherine. I skimmed through the article and nodded. "Amazing as always" I somehow plaster a smile on my face.

"I explained the situation to my father. He's willing to help." She said. Pulitzer? Help us? Wow. I let out a snort of disbelief. "I'm serious!" Katherine defended. I nodded. "I know. I know." I left the conversation at that.

"Well, stop standing around. Get some rest! We have a big day tomorrow!"

I kept tossing and turning through out the night. Nothing was going the way it was planned. We were supposed to win the strike, and go back to our normal lives. Then, I got kidnapped. I escaped then Jack got kidnapped. When will this end.

I found tears slipping down my cheeks and the next moment, I was sobbing. Race turned over and groaned.  "Hm. Kat? What's the matter?" He pulled my closer to hus warm body and embraced me. "I'm worried, Race. Really worried" I put my hand on the back of his head and cried into his shoulder. "We'll get him back, I promise. You know I don't brake my promises."

I hummed in agreement.


The next morning, I woke up bright and early, ready to start the plan. We all bought our copies of Katherine's article and sold them around. "Manhattan newsie: Kidnapped! Read all about it" I shouted, swinging my body around a street light.

After I sold all my copies, I knocked on Mr. Pulitzer's door. "Katrina!" Hannah greeted. "Hello, Kat" Joe said. "Long time no see." I nodded at him. "Katherine told me all about your brother and I really am sorry." I smiled at him

"I assume Katherine told you that we need bulls all around the apartment." He nodded "It's all set up. 1 pm it will be surrounded." He confirmed. "Thank you. I know we didn't start off good, but this means a lot" I said sadly before exiting his office.

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