You Can't Help Those That Don't Want To See Reason

Start from the beginning

"The Pyramid of Light endures, because I will it, so great is my power"  Anubis says "oh great he's full of himself too!"  Isra mutters Atem chuckles as Seto says "hey, what is this? show yourself, whoever you are"  Anubis replies "I have been her...

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"The Pyramid of Light endures, because I will it, so great is my power"  Anubis says "oh great he's full of himself too!"  Isra mutters Atem chuckles as Seto says "hey, what is this? show yourself, whoever you are"  Anubis replies "I have been here the whole time, mortal, whispering in your ear"  Seto asks "the whole time? no this is some sort of trick"  Seto's shadow changes into what looks like the Egyptian God Anubis.... or maybe 🦇BATMAN🦇.... "Kaiba, look out!"  Atem shouts in warning as the shadow changes into a pond of goo Qetesh rushes over to Seto moves him so that he stands behind her as a faceless being is "born" out of it the muscular creature who was reaching for Seto hand gets blocked by a bright purple light that shone around Qetesh and Seto like a shield "I won't let you touch him!"  Qetesh growls Seto wraps his arm around her waist with a surprised expression on his face as he looks up at the being that stands before them she takes his free hand in hers and gives it a squeeze he breathes in her scent like it was the air he needed to breathe to stay alive he was so glad to finally be back where he belongs with her that he almost forgot about the creature she was protecting him from "what's this!?! how is this possible!?!"  Anubis asks "not so mighty after all are you!?! after all if a woman can overpower a "man" you know you must be weak!"  Qetesh says Anubis growls "you don't frighten me!"  Qetesh says "not anymore!"  she whispers with a tone so low no one heard her and yet those words somehow got carried over to Atem who saw flashes of how he saved her from Anubis so many years ago and he gasps softly "and now you have the misfortune to be defeated by my Pharaoh once more if I had a heart big enough I'd pity you but I don't!"  Qetesh tells Anubis then she leads Seto over to the side of the dueling field and they stand in front of the two chairs that still stand there Atem, Isra and Anubis look over at them and a flash of a memory that has yet to be made appears before them where Seto and Qetesh were standing before two thrones as Pharaoh and wife Anubis stares at the image in shock whereas Atem and Isra smile at the vision before them "you can do this Atem we believe in you!"  Atem hears Qetesh say softly into his heart and he nods at her as a small smile appears along the corner of his lips and he realizes why she never calls him Atem for just like Isra said they are very much alike and if he hadn't been paying attention to who was speaking he probably would have thought it was Isra for even though there was a slight difference in their tone it had some similarities as well "so it's been you behind this whole duel, manipulating Kaiba all along, the...."  Atem says "just because he carries the same name as one he is not a lord of anything he's a sorcerer with a power complex that's higher than Seto's stepfather would ever be!"  Isra says Atem holds back a chuckle as Anubis narrows his eyes at her then says as though Atem actually finished what he was going to say without her interrupting "I'm pleased that you remember me after all these years, my pharaoh it will make my ultimate vengeance all the sweeter you will fall, and my rein of destruction shall begin"  Atem replies "we'll see"  Anubis says "the souls of your mortal friends have already fallen, trapped within your puzzle"  Atem looks at Isra who shakes her head as she gently grips his hand and places it over the Millennium Puzzle he sighs in relief when he feels the light of his friends still shining within as Anubis continues "lost in a Labyrinth of the dead"  Atem says with a determined tone "you're wrong I can still sense their presence, and I will fight to defend them no matter what happens, I will not let your evil plan come to pass, Anubis"  Anubis replies "all I need do is defeat you in this duel, and the prophecy will be fulfilled you will be destroyed"  Isra squeezes Atem's hand gently and he squeezes back grateful for her undying support as Anubis continues as he reaches his hands out before him and a bright light appears above them then two duel cards are "born" from that light "the magic of the shadow games that you locked away centuries ago will once again be unleased into the world and I shall finally take my rightful place as the pharaoh of this realm with the Pyramid of Light at my command, there's nothing you can do to stop me the ultimate shadow game is just beginning"  the sky around them darkens and Anubis laughs he half expected the two woman who look alike to be afraid but to his surprise it was almost like they were at home in the shadows that now surround them for they were.... calm the same goo that Anubis was "born" from flows down from his hands onto the field and flies up then creates two duel monsters as Anubis says "I summon the Terrible Beasts Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia"  Atem draws his next card and he places it face down on the field "search your deck from now until doomsday, and you still won't find anything to stand against my Savage Shadow Realm Beasts no, my pharaoh I'm afraid that for you, doomsday is today"  Anubis claims as he places another card facedown on the field using his magic instead of a duel disk like a normal person then he says "now watch as your last line of defense is ripped to shreds before your eyes Sphinx Teleia, it's feeding time"  Teleia screeches scaring Watapon then pounces on Celtic Guardian and claws his chest Isra hides her head in Atem's chest and he holds her gently to him "and now, it is your turn, Andro Sphinx"  Anubis says Andro roars and the vibrations of his roar blows Watapon away "each time Andro Sphinx destroys a monster, half of that monsters attack points are taken away from my opponents life points you have only 100 life points left"  Anubis says Atem looks into Isra's eyes and sees her softly smile which helps him stay strong which is what he needs right now for his own, Yugi's, hers and the rest of the worlds sake

 calm the same goo that Anubis was "born" from flows down from his hands onto the field and flies up then creates two duel monsters as Anubis says "I summon the Terrible Beasts Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia"  Atem draws his next card and he place...

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