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As soon as Chaeryeong was done with her shower, it started pouring heavily outside. Her eyes widened and her heart started pounding faster. She never liked the rain, ever since it happened.

She hurriedly went downstairs asking Yubin if Yeji was already home.

"Yubin" Chaeryeong called quickly as she went down the stairs. It was already 7 in the evening and the maids were preparing their dinner.

"Yes Mrs. Hwang? do you need anything?" Yubin asked

"Is Y-yeji home yet?" Chaeryeong asked nervously

"She told me she would eat outside Mrs. Hwang, why?" Yubin asked curiously

"N-nothing, thank you for telling me" Chaeryeong then went back up to her room. Holding onto her chest as she started breathing heavily.

She asked for Yeji since she was worried that if Yeji would get caught up with the heavy rain but she was also worried for herself. She never likes it when it rains, ever since she was a kid, ever since it happened


Mr. Lee, Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong were inside the car, driving off to where Chaeryeong wanted to go for her advance birthday celebration. The reason for the advance celebration is because their dad needed to go to a business trip on the day of Chaeryeong's birthday

"I'm sorry if I can't be on your birthday sweet princess, but I'm sure you'll be celebrating it with your sister and your step mom and step siblings" Mr. Lee said with a smile

"It's okay appa, I understand that you need to work so it's fine with me" little Chaeryeong said and giggled

They were nearing their destination but it started pouring heavily

"It's raining" Chaeryeong said and pouted

"I thought you like it when it rains? like the puddles that form when it stops" Chaeyeon said

"You're right unnie" Chaeryepng said and giggled once again.

"Girls" Mr. Lee called out

"Yes appa?" they asked in unison

"You're wearing your seatbelts right?" Mr. Lee asked

"Yes appa, why?" Chaeyeon asked

"Just making sure. The road is slippery" Mr. Lee and his daughters nodded

The rain was heavy and it was causing Mr. Lee not to be able to see properly to the windshield. Since the road was slippery, Mr. Lee couldn't slow down the car that much.

"Appa?" Chaeryeong called worriedly, noticing that her dad's driving is unstable.

"APPA WATCH OUT!" Chaeyeon screamed


The car was recked at the front, police men and paramedics were around the area, checking if there were any survivors.

"Sir, a child is still here!!" one of the policemen said and the paramedics grab Chaeryeong.

"How about the other two?" the policeman asked

"They didn't make it" The paramedic said and sighed.

Mr. Lee's head was bleeding while Chaeyeon, there were shards of glass on her face and body, causing blood to flow out of her.

"Bring the young girl to the hospital immediately" the policeman said and the paramedic nodded

Rain was still pouring as the policemen checked around the area...

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