Chapter 44: Tellus Hisce, Vel Istam, Quae Facit Ut Laedar, Mutando Perde Figuram

Start from the beginning

Groaning and feeling a little weak, you stand up and grab your bag, along with your laser foil. You look at the metal against the wall, in which your now cut-off arm is still throwing out all of its blood. Putting your hand in the bag, you grab a bomb. A bomb which should be activated when its connected motion sensor is triggered. You put it in your old arm, not wanting to imagine what Wilbur or Dream would do with what used to be your arm, and leave the room. After you do this, you place the motion sensor above the door on the ceiling, invisible to anyone who's not aware that it's there, and then close the door. Hopefully, the blood that is going to fall on the floor in the hall is not going to give anything away.

Pissed off, you sigh as you wonder what the fuck to do now. Sooner or later, Dream is going to spot you on the cameras. Sooner or later, Wilbur is going to find out you've cut off a limb in order to stay away from him. Sooner or later, you'll either end up killing one of them, or yourself.

And well, this is going to leave a scar undoubtedly. And no, I'm not talking about the missing arm.

Even if you can't complain about your fast escape, you know that this shit is going to affect you in more ways than one, and you honestly don't want it happening again. You have to find someone. Anyone. Anyone who isn't Dream or Wilbur.

Wait, didn't Dream say that Schlatt wanted to talk to Wilbur? Does that mean the alcoholic satyr is here? Because if so, you can both brag about your big brain and complain to him about the fact that Wilbur and Dream have just broken over twenty laws.

Holding your hand against your shoulder, which now has to carry metal with it instead of flesh, you walk away from the room, still feeling the pain interfering with your ability to think properly. You're exhausted. Although, you kind of saw it coming already. No, you didn't expect to be kidnapped and put in a room by some psycho, but you did already predict something would happen. You didn't ask Sapnap to go to your house to do absolutely fucking nothing there, after all.

Walking through the building, you approach the bar, expecting to find Schlatt there. On your way, however, you pass two people who seem to be discussing some unimportant topic. When they see you, however, they're immediately distracted by your mere presence. Fundy immediately looks away from you while Niki's eyes seem to be filled with concern.

"Y/N? What happened to you?" she asks you, walking to you and putting her hand on your shoulder. Fundy, who's still trying to look away from you, can't help but glance as well, worry and anxiety filling his body.

"Yeah? What the fuck happened?" Once he's properly seen the absolute wreck you seem to be, he can't look away from you. You simply scoff.

"Ask that your delusional father and his malfunctioning robot," you spit at him, even though you know he's not the enemy. Yet. But you feel like you have the right to have an attitude at the moment.

"What did they do?" Niki gasps and you chuckle.

"A lot. And let's just say that a majority of their actions are not legal!" You have a sarcastic grin on your face while telling them this, feeling as if you'll lose your temper any moment now. "I mean," you continue, your breath quickening, "I'm pretty sure they have a whole fucking army and I'm left here with just one arm." You chuckle. "I'm dead. I'm fucking dead. Oh well, may the Devil drag me down to Hell where I belong. May my soul rot like a corpse and may God look down on me and regret all of his decisions. I hope I made him lose faith in humanity."

"You're overreacting," Fundy then finally snaps, a hurt in his eyes that you cannot identify. "You're not going to die. You're not going to leave. I mean, you lost your arm, but at least you're still alive?"

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