Chapter 7: Xlnv yzxp ^^

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T/W: Anxiety attack, mentions of suicide and suicide attempts



Hey Y/N

I just visited your house and cat and I just wanted to make sure your cat is allowed to sleep everywhere

Because he's sleeping on your bed rn

Yeah he is

At this point he owns the house lmao

Thx for checking up on him btw

Haha no problem

Does it matter what food I give him?

Not really

He'll eat anything

And if he doesn't like it he'll just eat it later

Okay great

While I'm here, is there anything else you want me to do?


Thx tho

But I'm planning on coming back today

These guys can't keep me here forever hehehehe

You sure?

Those guys can be pretty convincing

Yeah but I want to go back home

I don't feel at ease here yk

Dream is freaking me out and the place feels so big and foreign

I feel like a sheep amongst a bunch of wolves yk

Damn Y/N

You make no typos and start getting all poetic or some shit

What happened

This is what happens when you get no sleep

Suddenly you get competent

Oh shit hoflpoon

My nose isndxcmeding


I thought you said competent


,y nosr has its period



I can onkt tyopre with ionre hand bnow

I'll just leave really

Goodbyw Y/N





After you hold some toilet paper against your bleeding nose, you let out a sigh. Technology might have come far, but it seems like there is no way to stop a nosebleed. Well, that's the way life is, perhaps.

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