6: Heroes In Training

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The loud voice echoed throughout the stadium, students laughing. 

"Uh, Mr. Yagi? That's not exactly what you were supposed to say." Izuku giggled, approaching his professor. "You see, you have to say this part, right here?" The greenette pointed to a certain spot on the man's script, earning a nod from him. 

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry."  The man cackled, going over his script again. 

"Oh, it's fine! I'm actually super happy that you agreed to be a part of this! We needed an adult, and there you were! So, take your time!" The short boy beamed a smile. Suddenly, the front door opened, revealing Bakugou, sweaty and panting. All eyes on him, he entered the room and dropped his belongings on a chair. 

"Sorry, guys. I forgot it was Thursday... Only realized that I was supposed to rehearse once I got home. So I ran back here." The blonde panted, sitting down in exhaustion. Izuku giggled, handing him his bottle of water. 

"Alright, everyone! Now that everybody's here, I have an exciting announcement to make... The costumes have been made, and have arrived!" The greenette excitingly cheered, holding up a large box, which had been placed amongst several others. The teenage cast suddenly approached the green haired boy, cheering and demanding to receive their self-designed costumes for the play. 

Katsuki sat back and watched as his boyfriend struggled to open a box. He eventually managed, pulling out a black jacket, with a matching pair of pants. A few accessories and other gadgets were also stuffed inside the box. 

"Ah, this must be Kaminari's!" Izuku claimed, handing the box to another teenager, who took in in complete joy. 

Another box was opened, revealing a puffy, black and pink costume, which was clearly made for a woman's body. 

"Uraraka! Yours!" Izuku cheered, handing the box over to one of his friends. Bakugou watched, a smile discretely painting itself on his face, as his loved one worked hard to deliver the packages. 

"Kirishima, here, and Ashido, this is yours!" The small male chanted, happily distributing several costumes, until on a few were left. Katsuki eventually stood up, deciding to help Midoriya with the few boxes remaining. 

The first box he opened belonged to a certain short boy, who was told to play a perverted hero in the play. The second belonged to a certain black-haired boy, who was casted as a tape-using hero. 

As the teen struggled to open the third box, his eyes landed on a flashy shade of orange, and way too much black. As well as two large, green, grenade-looking gauntlets. This outfit seemed far to familiar: It was his. He had Izuku had drawn their costumes together, so he remembered quite well. 

"Kacchan, look! My costume is here! Ah! YOURS TOO! AWESOME! I can't wait to try it on! It looks so legit! Wow... I thought the material would be more... Cheap, but this is awesome!" Izuku called, cutely dancing around as he held a light-green jumpsuit in his hands. Bakugou snickered, making his way towards a stall. 


"I'm glad everything fits well, and everyone is satisfied with their costumes." Izuku exclaimed, putting the costumes back in their boxes. Bakugou stood still, admiring the boy from afar. 

"Yeah, it's a good thing." He spoke, monotone, eyes glue to the greenette's bottom. 

"I really like how yours turned out... You look really handsome in it." The curly-haired male whispered, approaching the blonde, who had snapped out of his thoughts. 

"Yeah, I look handsome in everything." The tall teen cackled. Izuku sighed happily and agreed, shyly wrapping his arms around the slender male's neck. Their faces only inches apart, Katsuki smiled warmly. 

"You looked really cute in yours too." He smiled. Izuku gave a soft smile, before looking away in a sad manner. Bakugou raised a brow, suddenly worried. 

"I don't like being called cute... I mean, I'm a man after all... And it hurts my pride a little bit." The freckled male spoke. Bakugou thought for a moment, before nodding. 

"You looked really handsome in yours too." He fixed his sentence, smiling at his boyfriend, who was now as happy as he used to be. The greenette rested his head against the blonde's shoulder, where he stayed for a few minutes. Both just standing there, alone on stage. 

They'd been dating for 6 days, and were still quite new to being in a relationship. Nobody knew, either. They had only kissed twice. Once, in Hosu Park, and the second was right after school, Monday. However, they both craved a third. 

"So... You want to come over tonight? You could meet my family." Bakugou whispered, hugging the greenette closely. Izuku thought for a few seconds, before shaking his head. 

"I can't, tonight. My dad's going to do the groceries, and wants me to help. Tomorrow is Friday, though... Almost our 1 week anniversary already... Ha. Tomorrow?" The short boy asked, looking up to the ash blonde. Katsuki couldn't hide a smile as he approached his boyfriend's face. 

"Tomorrow sounds great." He whispered, lips touching. Izuku hesitantly leaned forward, closing the gap between them and leading them into another kiss. The blonde's hands travelled down the freckled boy's back, fingers playing with the hem of his pants. Obviously, Izuku didn't agree with this, since he shifted his hips away from his grasp. 

Thankfully, Katsuki wasn't pushy. He respected his small boyfriend more than he respected himself. Izuku was his everything, and ever since he had started dating him, all he wanted to do was hold him close, forever. 

The greenette giggled, pulling away. 

"I love you."

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