2: A Very Gay Family

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As the bell rang loudly throughout the school, students came rushing out of their classes, cheering happily. Bakugou, on the other hand, kept quiet as he made his way to his locker. It was Friday. The weekend was here, and he had no plans. 

What an exciting teenage life, eh? 

The blonde pulled out his phone as he arranged his books neatly inside his locker. Keeping his eyes glued to the screen, he swung his bag over his shoulder, and slammed his locker shut. However, he was simply met with a smiling face, standing next to him. 

"Heeeeeello there!" Izuku chanted happily, smiling brightly. Katsuki flinched, not used to being surprised by such an energetic manner. 

"Hi." He responded, stuffing his device in his back pocket. Midoriya gave him a smile, before fixing his shirt. 

"I hope I'm not bothering you! I was simply wondering if you wanted to come over, tonight! Me and my friends are a part of the student council, and we're planning something... BIG. And, I'd like to talk to you about it. You caught my eye, and, uh, gosh! You just seem perfect for it!" Izuku squealed, clearly excited about the situation. Katsuki froze, eyeing the boy. 

"Come over...? I don't know- What is it? The BIG thing?" The blonde spoke, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck in confusion. A discrete giggle escaped the greenette's lips as he tilted his head to the side. 

"Come over to my place, and you'll see! I know we don't know each other much, but there's only one way to do that! And it's to spend time together!" He snickered, grabbing the blonde's arm. "Come on, just follow me! I promise, we'll have a blast!" 


Midoriya swiftly pushed open the door, letting out a loud chant. 

"I'm home!!" He called, signing for Katsuki to step in. The blonde hesitantly looked around before following the mysterious teen inside. Midoriya wasn't in any of his classes, which led him to think he was most likely a year younger. Probably 11th grade. He's super energetic, apart of the student council, and is overall a very nice person. 

"Sorry if it's a mess, my brother often comes over with his friends. Oh, you might even know him! He's in your class! Y'know... Purple, messy hair? Looks tired all the time..? Anyways, his name is Hitoshi." Izuku continued to ramble. A picture of a certain purple-haired boy popped up in Bakugou's head. Of course, Hitoshi A. Shinsou. He sat next to him often in most of his classes. 

"Oh. Yeah. You guys... Don't have the same last name? Are you step-brothers?" Katsuki asked, politely taking off his shoes. Izuku snickered. 

"Oh, no. My dads decided to keep our last names, and only give us middle names. In case you don't catch on, I was adopted, and so was Hito. My parents' names are Shouta Aizawa, and Hizashi Yamada. Hito and I's middle names are Aizawa, which is was the A stands for." Izuku proudly stated, pointing at several pictures, hung around the living room. Bakugou stared at them, noticing a black haired man, standing next to a blonde haired man. Men. Gay. 

"Oh... So, all men in this household, huh?" Katsuki awkwardly spoke. Midoriya walked up to him, smiling at the pictures. 

"Yep... Sorry if it bothers you. I know some people have a hard time accepting these kinds of things." The greenette continued. His tone was a bit softer, almost sad. Bakugou had a sudden urge to apologize. 

"No, no. I don't have a problem with it at all. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." He chuckled, looking over to the short boy. Izuku beamed a smile, looking down. 

"You want to know what's even funnier? Hito is also gay." He snickered. Katsuki couldn't help but crack a smile and look down as well. 

"Damn, alright." 

"We're a very gay family, I guess." Midoriya continued to laugh. 

"Are you gay too?" Katsuki asked. 

A sudden silence roamed around the room. The blonde's smile faded as he realized how straight-forward and personal he had been. 

"Ah? O-Oh! No. No, I'm not. Pfft... I'm the straightest guy in the family. Ha." The greenette shrugged. Katsuki nodded, happy that the moment hadn't been awkward, as he had thought it was been. Another short silence occured, before the blonde remembered the reason he was there. 

"So... What's this BIG thing you were talking about, that required me?" He asked. The teenager male watched as Midoriya's smile got wider. 

"The student council is preparing a play, and I think you'd be the perfect guy to star as the main character! We've got everything planned out and it should be held in January... So, 1, 2, 3, 4... Four months! Look, here's the script."

Katsuki blankly grabbed the pack of paper, and looked up in confusion. 


Hey everyone! What do you guys think so far..? Anything you don't like? Let me know in the comments... And thanks for reading!! :)

-Sucky Author

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