Arnav was not surprised to find himself staring at Khushi. For once in his life, he wasn't paying attention in class, and was paying attention to something else, or rather, someone else.

"Miss Khooshee, could you please tell me what we were just talking about?"

Mr. Theo voice suddenly interrupted Arnav's thoughts, and he was talking to the girl right beside him Khushi. Arnav observed as Khushi's head snapped up, realizing that her teacher was talking to her. After staring at her for the past few minutes, Arnav knew that she wasn't paying any attention at all.

"Uh…Yeah, sure. We were talking about…The…Er…" Sakura's head jerked sideways as she heard Arnav's voice, and she turned her head back forward so fast that it seemed as though she never turned her head at all. Suddenly, her hand flew to her forehead as though she was a soldier, she straightened her body so that it was tall and stiff, and said, "We were talking about the college trip , Sir!"

"Correct, Miss Khooshee! That was addressed to me in a very nice manner. Keep up the good work!" Her teacher complimented. Khushi sunk in her chair and blushed, just as the bell rang, telling them that it was time to get on with the day and go to their next class.

As she stepped out of the room, she waited for Arnav to come out of the classroom. When she finally spotted him, she pulled him over to the corner where she could talk to him in private, not that what she was about to say was anything serious. For some reason, she just liked being alone with him.

"Arnav?" Khushi said, tugging on his shirt, "I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out in class...Again." Khushi said, while looking at her shoes and moving her foot in a circular motion on the floor.

Arnav smiled, and leaned in towards her. "No problem." He whispered in her ear, sending tingles down her back. He smiled his fabulous smile once more. He winked at her and walked away.  Khushi couldn't believe what he had just done.

(As Khushi and Arnav started spending time together her friendship with Harry starts detoriating he felt betrayed thinking she lied to him. It's been 2 months exams are coming before that their college organised a trip for two days )

Khushi do want to go but feel awkward but then suddenly remembered her last school trip how much of a disaster it was.

"Khushi you going??", Arnav asked looking at her face who was looking clueless

"Nup, I am not", looking at the pamphlet then at Arnav,"you going?"

"Why are you not going?", Arnav asked hoping she will agree

"I have some work "

"You've lying "
Khushi eyes widened hearing him,"why would I lie"

"I just know ", Arnav shrugged taking the pamphlet from her .

A week later

Khushi looked out the window as the bus started moving she can't believe she is going on a trip remembering what happened last time she went for camping.

"Are you scared,that everyone will know how much of a mad girl you are?, Or you are not coming because you think you don't know anyone and you will be bored ", seeing her eyes widened he knows he hits the Bulls eye,"here I thought I was your friend "

Sighing,"I opened my big mouth again "

She looked besides her to see Arnav talking with his friends she now know some of them most of them are from his football team ,some from class.
She saw him smirking at something James his football mate say about their coach.

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