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No one's pov

Felix woke up bright and early, chan texted him last night and wrote him that the first class was at 8, so Felix was in a big hurry since he woke up at 7:45.

He hurried and picked out sweats and a t-shirt, quickly getting ready. He hopped into his car and sped to the studio.

He jumped out of the car and ran in the studio, busting the door open. "5 minutes late Felix." Felix looked up at the voice and bowed multiple times. "S-shit!! I'm so sorry-"

"No swearing Dude!" Felix looked at the other teacher in the room, bowing again. "Fuck! I didn't.. god- I'm sorry!" Felix's 'new friends' laughed at the flustered state he was in.

"Don't worry, we're just stretching. So do whatever you need before we get started." Felix nodded and out his stuff down, starting to stretch his muscles in the corner of the room.

'Damn it's crowded in here.' He noted as he looked around the filled room, everybody looked professional and eager to learn from the two teachers.

"Ok.. we're gonna start with improv, so I'll spilt you guys into groups and give you a song to improv to. If you stand out to us we'll call you to be in smaller groups, or even solos.."

Felix widened is eyes at the last part. 'Solos??' He was already not so confident in his dancing abilities, his confidence also being at a low due to the attitudes of some of these dancers.

going solo would probably kill him internally.

Minho split the room into 2 big groups, Felix being in the second group.

Hyunjin started playing a song for the first group, Felix immediately relaxed. He knew this song very well and even improved to it a couple times.

He was too busy thinking about some moves he could do, he didn't even notice the second group was being called until this guy in his group shoved him lightly.

"Second group bitch." He mumbled before moving to the center of the floor. Felix hurried and walked onto the floor, being farther back than he wanted to be at.

He sighed and closed his eyes, repeating the words. 'You are doing this for yourself. not for anyone else-'

His manifestation got interrupted when hard hitting music reached his ears. His heart stopped, he's never heard this song in his life.

The younger started slightly freaking out as the others around him started trying to dance to the intense music.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, listening to the music's beats before letting his body move.

Hyunjin and Minho watched the dancers. "Who's standing out?"

Minho looked around, his eyes landing one boy in the front, motioning to the younger. He nodded and wrote the color of his shirt down, not knowing his name.

Hyunjin looked around, waiting for someone to match their movements to the beat, when he spotted Felix.

Hyunjin didn't take his eyes off the boy as he effortlessly moved his body to the music. Minho looked over the younger's shoulder and smiled. "Yo, Felix is really g-"

"He's gonna go solo." He cut the older off and wrote his name down on a piece of paper before turning the music off.

"So everyone go to the side so we can start picking people out." Minho started picking some people that stood out to the both of them, letting them go out to the floor.

He walked over to hyunjin. "Did you want Felix to still be in a small group? Or just go solo?" Hyunjin looked at Felix, both making eye contact.

Hyunjin smiled as they kept the contact. "Let him go in a small group, I don't want him to be too surprised." He turned his attention to the older, who nodded and walked back to the group of dancers.

He touched Felix's shoulder and smiled. "W-wait.. me?!

Minho scoffed teasingly. "No you actually suck, I was gonna kick you out." He noticed Felix's change in mood, tears filling up his eyes quickly. "O-oh-"

"I'm just kidding lix, you're doing great don't worry!" Minho ran his hand through the younger's hair, smiling as Felix gave him a bright smile and walked to the floor.

"Alright guys, give them a hand." Hyunjin announced before playing a slower, more sensual song.

Felix smiled as he gained more confidence with the song choice, starting to move to the music immediately.

Hyunjin watched all the dancers, fat lie. He kept his eyes on Felix the whole time.

His cheeks could help but dust a light color of pink as he watched Felix slowly body roll on the floor.

Minho looked over at the younger and chuckled. "Don't get too carried away Hwang, he's not going solo yet."

Hyunjin's finally took his eyes away from the younger on the floor, glaring at Minho before stopping the music. "You're fucking unbelievable."

"Im unbelievable!!? You're the one that just swore in front of kids man!" The kids giggled lightly.

"Ok go get some water and I'll call out some soloist." Felix smiled and walked to his bag, grabbing his water and taking a sip.

Hyunjin continued to watch the younger drink his water. "..ello? Hi? You still alive Hwang?" Hyunjin took his attention to the older. "What?"

Minho chuckled and waved his hands. "Hey now, sorry for distracting you from the view but are you just gonna call him for solo?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "You can call whoever you saw looked good." Minho nodded and walked to the dancers, picking this girl out.

She shyly walked onto the floor but immediately changed her mood as the music started, dancing to the intense beats of the song. The others cheered for her as the girl was most definitely, eating it up.

The music ended and she sheepishly walked over to the side. Minho looked at hyunjin and he nodded.

The older walked to Felix and lifted his chin. "You're up."

Hehehehehehe Hyunjin's a lil bit....

Might double update, we'll see hehe

*not proofread*

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