Chapter 1

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In the small guest house adjoining the backyard, your tools and supplies sat perfectly organized for the dark and dreary asking your services. But weeks had passed since your last patient. The operating table sat unused along with the over-pillowed and blanketed bed.

Strolling back to the house, you pulled out your maps to continue your real work. The work that ruined your life and rebirthed it with meaning. Stacks of notes dotted the kitchen table, color-coded to reflect notations on the oversized map of the continent. It was lovely and aesthetically pleasing, but only since you had the time to do it.

Though with fewer patients each month, the time and money would slip. While patients paid for their stay over recovery, they paid you in something far more valuable: information. Which unfortunately didn't matter the longer you went without the money.

Photos of locations and people stuck to the cabinetry at odd angles you swore had meaning. There was more on the exterior of the cabinets than inside. But you didn't need much. An average kitchen with an average living room for an un-average person on an unreasonable quest.

Poking at the mark on your wrist, you scowled at the way the name was written. Black and shaky, it looked like it was carved into your skin. It coursed down the vein like it followed an uneven river. Whatever it could have mattered before, it didn't now. You didn't imagine you'd meet them at this point since you lived hidden away from the world.

You scribbled a note on the side of the map and sipped your morning coffee. The sun barely crept over the sky when you heard a knock at your door. A thump, really, with the intention of being a knock.

You snatched your knife from the counter and slipped it under your sleeve. You didn't usually have problems, but you were working with people others wouldn't, after all.

Morning light flooded the living room as you opened the door. A tall man with dirty blond hair hunched over, clutching his side. He leaned on the bannister for support, trying to string words together but he swallowed each before he voiced his concerns.

Blood pooled on your porch, adding to the already inseparable stains from every bodily fluid imaginable.

"They never said the doctor was a pretty, little thing," he coughed out.

You kept your face even, displeased. You'd dealt with his types before and a quick warning was the best policy. You flicked the knife from your sleeve and held it under his jaw. He stilled, but his aura shifted like he wanted to make a move. But from the state of him, it was unlikely he'd be able to do much (for now).

"Three rules if I heal you," you said, sliding the flat of the knife under his jaw until it hit the tip of his chin. "One: you pay me with money and information, but both can be negotiated. Two: keep your hands to yourself. And three: stay out of my house." You tapped the knife against his chin, watching the intent building and then dying in his eyes. "Deal?"

"Deal." He coughed with a smile. "You made your point."

"Fantastic!" You smiled and let out a laugh as you dropped your knife from his chin. "Sorry about the knife. I just need to be careful." You slipped it back in your sleeve. You stepped outside and locked the door. He followed you into the backyard, doing a good job to keep his pain as quiet as possible. You were long past the point where you'd ask your patient's name, but you liked his blasé attitude to his injuries and it would be fun to have a name to the face.

Like he read your mind, he slunk up beside you. "Name's Phinks." Hunched over he looked much shorter than he would be at his full height.

"Nice to meet you, Phinks." You offered a hand, laughing as he wrapped a single, unbloodied finger around your own. "My name's none of your business." He pouted and you shrugged with a smile. "You can call me Doc."

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