I'm Back

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Chapter 33


"I'm glad you saw reason", Achaeus said sneaking up behind me.

"It's hard to ignore when you have to stare it in the face", I said turning around still holding the cup. I look down at the silver cup and saw my eyes that were normally gray reflected back to me a bright red.

I was back.

I felt ripples of power coursing through my body.

"This is the right thing to do. It may not be the easy thing to do---"

"But it's the right thing", I moaned as I looked over to the stainless steel refrigerator to see Ezra's painting hanging by a magnet on the door. I didn't know what the painting was of, but I knew he put a lot of hard work and effort into his creation.

"I'm not going to do the incantation until I at least get to say goodbye to my children. I'm not just going to spring this on my family. If I'm going to die I'm going to do it on my terms and I have more than a few loose ends I need to tie up before I go".

"Do you want to work on the veil or the Jörmungandr?" Achaeus asked.

"I think I'll take the giant beast. Think I've learned my lesson from trying to repair the veil once before", The kitchen started to fill with orange and pink lights from the sunset. And as the house dimmed in tonight I wondered if this would be my last night.

"Settled the jörmungandr, and come next night fall have your affairs settled".

"I need the book of chaos".

"No it's mine", Achaeus said offended I would even ask.

"Technically it's mine. Hades gave it to me".

"Only after he stole it from Olympus. Chaos and trusted this knowledge to me".

"And he was my mentor just as much as he was yours. So you're going to have to share", I said waving my hand in front of me making the black leather book fall into my palm. It felt so good to actually have something happen when I want it to happen.

"What are you going to do with it? We're already fixing messes---"

"Worry about the veil and your own affairs. I'll see you back here tomorrow night", I said sashaying away with MY book. With a wave of my hand it disappeared back to wherever we were keeping it for safety.

"Well can I at least use your Book of Athena?"

"If you can find it you can use it", I said making my nightgown fade away and in its place black leather leggings with matching flat boots and matching thick tank top. I even created long fingerless gloves that had black metal plates to protect my most vinyl parts. It was nice not to have to actually brush my hair for it to be exactly the way I wanted it French braided back into one braid.

I confidently walked outside

"Hreee!" Drakus screeched angrily inside of one of the door lights.

"How did you get in there? All this time I thought you had abandoned me", I said setting my familiar free. He immediately made a beeline for the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Erza cried out in joy as he came running up the lawn. And I sprinted after my happy little man floating him up and into my arms.

"Hey baby", I gushed overly excited not to be sweating my ass off at the weight of my child. I felt onyx slither up my leg and rest around my neck hardening itself to a U shaped necklace.

"You're all better now?" He smiled.

"I am", I smiled holding Erza tightly knowing this is one of the last times I would hold him again. Freyja appeared hold my sleeping baby. Poor Henry was tuckered out with Crimson still following him.

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