The Great Escape

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Chapter 13


I was an advisor to the king! A general to an army! Commander of the Spartan Legion! I am more clever than Athena and more Desired than Aphrodite. So how have I ended up back here? Slung over the shoulder of one of the many Cyclops Hades had bred?

Trollop was always kind to me on my many escape attempts, unlike the rest of his rancid brothers. Trollop and I had developed a hostage prisoner relationship over the centuries of my imprisonment. But it appeared something had now changed, and our relationship that I relied on so much was now different.

I was shocked that I made it past my floor of Hades Castle only to be caught so quickly. But then again, Trollop knew me, and he knew me well. He was clever for a cyclops and had an excellent memory to boot.

"Is that a new club?" I asked, staring down his back to see the new weapon clenched in his fist.

Trollop typically used a tree branch or something else that seemed almost harmless. However, he held a thick club topped with sharp metal spikes this time. Trollop growled deeply in response.

"It looks very nice. You can really get your point across with that, you know? Crush someone to a pulp. Cave in their skull," I said, hoping my small talk and attempts at admiration and flattery would work.

My captor raised his club high, showing his weapon proudly as if it was a medal of honour. Was this Hades' way of offering Trollop a promotion? Suddenly I was dropped fifteen feet onto the ground of my paster suite. I cried out and rubbed at my rear, letting Trollop know he had hurt me. I wasn't lying, not this time anyway. It hurt like hell.

Trollop simply growled again before slamming and locking the door behind him.

"Well, that was a bust," I houghed, resting my chin in my hands.

I needed to think of a new plan; all my old stuff wasn't going to cut it this time. Hades had upped his guards. No longer just Cyclops roamed the halls; he had all his best minions hell-bent on keeping me locked away. Outside my window, I could see Harpies circling Hades castle. I suppose with Zeus dead, his minions made for easy pickings. Cyclops and Ogres marched the corridors, and even if I had it past them, Hades had several Centaurs manning the bridge. Even if I made it past them, Cyberus roamed freely now. Hades was determined to keep me in and everyone else out.

It wasn't going to be easy, but I am a resilient girl and always find a way to cheat, lie, and steal what I want. Even if it was for a fleeting moment, I had tasted freedom, I had escaped before, and I would again, and this time I would not be coming back.

Hades thought he was smart guarding his castle so heavily but little did he know I had managed to get a hold of Freya's precious book of Chaos. I could see why she guarded it so closely. It was a fascinating read, just a shame that I didn't have the power to get the most out of it. Nevertheless, I used it in one of the few ways I could; communicating with Achaeus.
When I saw what he did with Freya to stop Nyx, I knew he was someone I wanted on my side. So noble, kind, and nothing like the gods feared him to be. I could use a man like that; I knew how to manipulate them to my will. So Achaeus was travelling to the underworld with Damon and Christian, planning on finding Freya and bringing her back to life.

I offered my services in return for helping me escape, but I had no intention of assisting them in saving Freya. Why should I after the way she treated me? If she hadn't locked me in that damned prison of hers, Hades would never have brought me back here. She could rot for all I cared.

Damon was blind when it came to Freya, he might say he knows the dangers he faces in the underworld, but the underworld isn't what it used to be. It is far more treacherous now that Hades thinks he has won. Now he has what he wants, especially after waiting so long he isn't going to let anything take it away from him.

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