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Chapter 7


It broke my heart that all I could do to comfort Frigga was to hold her as she wept heavy tears into my lap holding on to a picture of Freya at her graduation. "Their souls will never know peace...never..."

I didn't know what to say all I could do was gently rub her back. I felt like I should lie and tell her of course Ariadne and Freya would find peace. That's all it would be a lie, and we both knew it was a lie.

"O Eva", sylvian frowned with a heavy heart at the door with a tray of food and powerful sedatives. "I thought you had moved back to the master bedroom".

Frigga did for all the 5 minutes before coming back to Freya's bedroom. And wherever Eva went I followed.

"What's going on up there!?" Philip shouted from the ground floor,"These stairs, too much on my hips".

Sylvian set the tray down on the nightstand before coming over to Eva to help raise her up. Her body shook and her cries just filled the house more. Sylvian held Eva's face in her hands like she was the most precious gem in the world,"You will get through this. I promise".

"I can't even bury their bodies", Eva sniffled.

"I know...I know..."

"I can't...I can' anything. My world is gone, ripped from me, mama. Every time before I could at least have the comfort of knowing she would be back. I feel it in my soul, she's not coming back".

"She will find peace", sylvian promised.

"She wouldn't. She can't".

"Uummm, does someone want to take a look outside?" The other consort, Alaric shouted from downstairs. "No! Get out!"

That last part caught my attention and I stood ready to defend the house. A materialized a heavy battle ax and stormed over to the door only to have a woman who looked just like Eva push me out the way.

"O Frigga", the woman in long medieval century white gown and fur cape gasped. Her body was cladded in gold from her crown, to her neck to her fingers, she was followed by two giant wolves that if they stood on their hind legs they could look me in the eyes.  The two women embraced. "Your cries can be heard throughout all nine realms".

"She's gone Freyja. He's taken her", Frigga cried.

"Odin, will make this right. I swear it on the old Gods", Freyja promised. Frigga and Freyja looked almost identical. But I knew my Eva. Her face was softer, her eyes brighter and her body softer. "Even Geri and Freki, have turned on him".

The two wolves growled as if agreeing with Freyja.

"And who are you to make such promises", I asked not wanting to cause Eva anymore pain then she was already in.

"God of War, it is nice to meet you in person", She said offering me her hand. I rejected it crossing my arms waiting for her to answer my question. "Rude, and noted. I am Freyja, Odin's official wife, goddess of motherhood and fertility an exact duplication of Frigga".

"Just bring her back. Make him bring my child back".

"We will", Freyja vowed wiping Frigga's tears away. "He's just downstairs".

"In the house", I said ready to kill.

"Calm yourself, God of War, You will have your pound of flesh. But Frigga goes frist", Freyja demanded,"Come let's get you cleaned up".

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