Ordinary, Unfulfilling, Uneventful Life

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Chapter 22


After Damon left we just stayed cuddled on the couch. This is where I was supposed to be with my children. Damon would be back with Christian, Achaeus and Ariadne. I was 100% sure he could handle that. There was nothing I could do to help. So I just got to love my kids. Ezra just wanted cuddles and Henry had learned how to do something new clearly from the way he kept puckering his lips blowing kisses. Eventually, Henry got bored of that and kicked his way out of my arms even though I didn't want to let him go. He had other things to do, play in the fort, some intense drumming and crawling to get up too. He didn't have time to just cuddle with Mom.

"I'm hungry", Erza said softly.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"I don't know".

"How about some pancakes or waffles?"

"And then we'll cuddle some more?" My heart melted.

"Yes, we can cuddle. We can play. Maybe I can read you some stories? Whatever you want, my love", I waved my hand expecting a plate of pancakes to appear. But nothing happened. I tried again and then remembered... Right I was human. Food didn't just magically appear I had to go cook it.

"Even Hel wouldn't keep you", an old deep voice said startling me and Erza. I held my child tight as I came face to face with Odin sitting in one of the chairs across from me. He had changed since the last time I put him in a cage. He didn't look like a frail thin old man. But his one eye, long beard and wanderers hat hadn't changed. He was round in a strong man way. He didn't look like a grandpa but a middle-aged warrior in rags with a staff of gold.

"Henry", I shouted trying to get his attention to come towards me. I put Ezra down and rushed for my toddler who thought this was a game as he tried to run away..

"I'm not here to harm you or ...your children".

"Then leave", I demanded as Ezra rushed to my side holding on to my leg,"You're not welcome here".

"I come over to make amends. I have wronged your mother, and by doing that I have wronged you and your sister".

"I don't want or need your apology. You mean nothing to me. And I want nothing from you or any other God".

"He's pretty much wiped out all the midgards deities. Only a handful are left and I highly doubt they'll want to go for another round with you".

"Mom?" Erza asked looking up to me with a fearful gaze.

"We're fine", I said softly,"Why don't you go find Alexander or Eric for me? Tell them we have a guest".

Erza shook head yes and took off in a sprint. "A power like your was was never meant to exist in Midgard. You belong in Asgard, same as your mother. Look at what this place has done to you? It has stripped you from your very identity".

"How low of me do you think? My abilities are just one aspect of my personhood", I stated resituating Henry on my hip. "I've done my part, I've served my role and now I get to enjoy---"

"A human life. An ordinary, unfulfilling, uneventful life".

"I get to watch my children grow old".

"No, they will watch you grow old and die", Odin corrected. "Your husband will watch you grow old and die".

"It's just the way of life. Nothing is meant to exist forever".

"But you're not just nothing. You are extraordinary just by birth, even never meant to be ordinary", Odin cleared his throat before standing up,"I wronged you and I will make it right. I could give you back your abilities right now?"

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