I'll Walk

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Chapter 12


I jumped awake propped up by a tree. I could tell we weren't at the original campsite. But somewhere on a hill looking down at the River Styx. Thousands of ghostly souls walked in a dream like motion bathe in a soft glowing light. Some heroes were clearly defined others were just balls of light. And just beyond that I could see a dark grand castle that had to be Hades domain,"What happened?"

"You're awake", Christan said with a breath of relief as he dropped some logs into the fire.

I stood up feeling weak and dizzy,"You should take it easy".

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days",Achaeus stated blatantly as he sat by the fire.

"Three days!" I exclaimed.

"It only felt like a few minutes", Not even an hour.

"That's the blessing about the Elysium Fields. Eternity doesn't feel like eternity", Christian explained.

"We...we have to keep moving", I said grabbing my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder.

"I need time to rest. It was not easy reaching you within the dream. And we are waiting for our ride".

I wasn't paying attention before but Achaeus did look drained their were heavy bags under his eyes and his pale skin was paler than before. "Achaeus, has reached out to Ariadne. She's the only one that could get us across the river without being dragged down to our death".

"Hades isn't just going to let her go. There's no guarantee that she can make it to us", I speculated.

"Her freedom is on the line. She will succeed, just give it time",Achaeus stated.

"In the meanwhile, let's try to not fall asleep. We may not be so lucky next time".

The idea of sitting here and doing nothing infuriated me. "There has to be something we can do".

"Unless you can swim across the river sticks at its widest. There is nothing you can do except wait", Achaeus stated.

"Where is it the thinnest?" I asked.

"Probably Persephone's Grove. But that's all the way at the other end of Elysium", Christian explained.

Damn it!

I was so close!

"I'll walk then", I said as I started to head down the hill.

"That journey will add days, and who knows what other guardians of the underworld are waiting for you. We need to stick together wait for Ariadne and cross with Charon", Achaeus implored.

"And how long do we wait for a woman who hasn't been able to escape this hell since her death. I have no doubt Ariadne will try. But I need assurances, and I've wasted enough time. I don't care where I have to go, how far I have to walk how many monsters I have to kill. I will find Freya".

And I will bring her home.

"Gentleman", Christian shouted making me stop and turn back to face him,"there must be a middle ground between nothing and suicide. Damon is right, We have no guarantees that Ariadne Will be able to pull this off. Achaeus, also has a point. Trying to cross the river is a death sentence and we don't need to run into any more guardians. My back physically can't take it".

"So what's the alternative?"

"I don't know that's why we need to talk about these things".

"Is Persephone still in the Grove?" Achaeus asked.

"I don't know I had never seen her when I was in Elysium".

"Why would Persephone be in the underworld if Hades had taken away her title. What's holding her here?" I criticized.

"I don't know" Achaeus said standing up.

"And Freya wiped out all of the gods. What makes you think Persephone was spared?"

"It would be worth trying to find her in Elysium. If she could get us across the river Styx we could continue this journey", Christian supposed.

"And if she's dead and we miss our opportunity with Ariadne?" Achaeus voiced.

"Then you stay here, but I'm going", I insisted turning around heading aimlessly into the unknown. I could now never complain to Freya about being reckless and just jumping head first into any situation. I was so focused on moving forward that I didn't even register I walked through... Someone?

One of the souls of the underworld just floated up to me. I passed through the orb annoyed.

"Hey! Show some respect for the dead", Christian demanded as the orb slowly floated back over to me.

"It ran into me and I'm leaving", I said shooing it away and headed into the tall grass.

I'm coming Freya.

I'm coming.

"We'll be back, Achaeus!" Christian shouted. "Please, try not to fall in the river".


"He's a grown man. You don't really need to baby him".

"If I wasn't surrounded around children I wouldn't have to act like a father", the orb at my side seem to shake with laughter.

"Get", I said swatting at the spirit.

"Leave it alone. You came into this sacred land and walked through it. Be flattered all it wants to do is follow you", Christian lectured as the orb went to float his shoulder. "For all we know you could be yelling it Achilles, Perseus, Theseus or any of the other heroes lucky enough to come to Elysium".

"I could honestly care less unless it knows where Persephone is", I said as I stepped over another soul sleeping in the garden. The grass was becoming denser which frustratingly slowed me down.

"You can try asking".

"What makes you think that thing understands what we're saying?"

"It clearly has a sense of humor. And plenty of time to aggravate you by just following you around. Whoever this person is it's a hero in Elysium. They've lived a good life what makes you think that it wouldn't live a good death in helping a stranger".

The spirit orb floated to the front of my face as if waiting for me to ask my question. "Can you, please, help us find Persephone?"

The orb hovered up and down as if noddinga yes before slowly floating toward."See what manners get you?"

An absolutely tediously slow guide. But it was a guide nonetheless.

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