50 ~ Eliana

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It's been two weeks since I lost my virginity to Wesley. It was hands down one of the best days of my life so far. Now I sit here telling my friends all about it. We'll kind of, not all the details, just how good and fulfilling he was and how many times. Even though they wanted every single detail of what it was like for me to loose my virginity. I haven't even gotten to the really good part.

This morning Wes caught me looking at the ring that he's decided to leave out on the dresser to taunt me every time I get dressed. He asked me if I've thought about his question. I've thought about it everyday. How could I not when the giant rock, hidden just underneath a black box, taunts me everyday.

Don't get me wrong I want to marry the man, but we've only just started dating, I don't want to rush. We can take our time, explore each other. What if he makes the decision that staying with me isn't really what he wants to do?

"Spill," Trisha deadpans obviously being able to notice that my mind has wandered.

I take a deep breath before "spilling". "Wes proposed."

The table goes dead silent as my friends stare at me. That's the kind of stare I wanted to give Wesley. The "what the hell are you talking about" stare.

"Are you serious?" Layla is the first to break the silence. "That fast."

"He said he loved me and—"

"Please say you said yes, and just forgot to put the ring on," Emma says, staring pointedly at my hand.

I shake my head to earn a smack to my arm. I glare at Emma. "I told him we should wait and take our time."

"You love him back," Trish states as a matter of fact. "We've seen the way you guys look at each other."

"Don't you want to marry him?" Layla asks.

I do. I nod. "It's just so soon and fast."

Emma hits me again. "Jump on it! At least he knows what he wants. I wanted Jerry to propose the first two weeks. It took him three years. Plus you technically met Wes three years ago and here we are again. Fate brought you guys back together."

I roll my eyes. "You watch way too many romance movies. It's too fast."

"Is it because you still can't accept the tattoos," Layla teases.

"I've come to love the tattoos." I smile at the image of my hot boyfriend naked in all his tatted glory.

My friends give me that knowing smirk and I can't even seem to care right now.

"Any other reason why you shouldn't marry him?" Emma questions.

Yes. Because this isn't a romance movie where people marry after two weeks of knowing each other. Things like that do not happen in real life. At least not for me. And I'm not marrying him after only five months.

"You love him. Always have," Trish starts when I haven't answered the question. "You gave up Massachusetts because you can't imagine being away from him—"

"SAY YES, YOU BUM!" Emma yells at me. "This is a once in a lifetime."

Layla shakes her head and takes my hand into hers. "Don't rush into it. We love him, but take your time and figure out if this is really what you want. This is a big step."

I'm very thankful for Layla's words of wisdom. I'm thankful for all of them. With another deep breath I spend the rest of lunch with my friends before returning to work. The moment I get back into the aquarium Wes is on me attacking my lips with a smile on his face. What's got him so happy? Whatever it is I definitely do not mind.

"Hi, Mama," he greets, gripping my sides and pressing a kiss to my lips.


He kisses my jaw and brushes his nose against my ear. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, how are you?" I believe I already have my answer when he grins at me. Why is he so happy? Did something happen while I was at lunch? "Why are you so excited?"

"You're late."

My brows furrow. "Late for what?" I only spent an hour for lunch.

He stares at me. "Eliana you are 7 days late. I didn't want to say anything earlier because maybe you were just irregular or whatever but seven days is a long time."


"...So I went to the store and got four tests."


"Don't tell me you didn't notice?"


He takes my hand and drags me to his office, as I try to comprehend the words he's telling me. I'm late. I could be pregnant. The tests he's currently holding in front of me may come out positive if I pee on it...

"Go to the bathroom."

I nod, taking the tests from him. We've talked about it, we both wanted it but now that it's here I'm so nervous. Now here I stand looking at a stick that looks back at me with words pregnant written in the little screen. I don't know what emotion hits me first, but everything stills before I'm pulled back by Wesley talking.

"Sweetness, how do you feel?" He asks cautiously.

The smile slowly grows on my face, tears coming to my eyes when I look back at the stick. Then I throw myself into Wesley's arms, letting my tears fall on his shoulder.

"A baby?"

"A baby!" He confirms with a sobbed out laugh. "A baby."

He pulls me into a kiss filled with so much love. "I love you so much." His hands move to my stomach, tears in his eyes. "I love you too little sweetness."

I laugh and pull him into another hug, holding him tightly. I love him so much.

I'm pregnant. Even now when I pull back, I can see the question on Wesley's face.

"I want to wait," I reply. "I know with—"

"It's okay," I understand. "I'll ask you once a week until you're ready."

"No," I laugh, tightening my arms around him and resting my head on his chest.

"Once a month?"


Smiling I move one hand to my stomach. We're making a family. Our family. I kiss Wesley again.

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