38 ~ Wesley

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Eliana didn't tell me the real reason for us leaving so suddenly, but I kind of figured the cause of it. After leaving her to her work, I go to my father's office knocking twice before barging in. He gives me the eye as he talks to whoever he's on the phone with and informs them that he will call them back. I close the door behind me and stare back.

"May I help you, Wesley?"

"What did you say to Eliana?"

He shakes his head and waves his hand dismissively. "Nothing."

"So nothing made my girlfriend suddenly want to leave?" I ask incredulously. "Tell me what you said to her."

He shakes his head again and shifts his attention to his computer in an attempt to dismiss me. Not today. "You won't like it," I hear him murmur under his breath.

"I usually don't like anything you say," I deadpan.

He looks at me. "I told her that I didn't understand why she wanted to be with you after all the things you've done. I told her that you aren't good enough for her."

His confession makes my heart fall. The fact that my own father doesn't even think I'm worth the girl that I love hurts. Numbly, I nod.

"It's nothing, Wes, she came to your defense immediately."

It's nothing....

How can he say that's it's nothing? I know he wasn't testing her loyalty. "You don't think I'm good enough for her. I don't know what you want from me, Dad!" This is painful. "I quit escorting because of her. The reason I'm here is mostly because of her. I'm in love with her and you talk shit behind my back in and attempt to what? Open her eyes to how much better she can do than me?"

My own father doesn't believe I deserve her love.

"I give her everything that I can. Affection, attention, companionship, LOVE! It's like you don't even want to see me happy. I'm done trying to please you, I'll always be a disappointment. Are you disappointed in Eliana now that she is with me?"

"I don't like your tone!"

Yet he doesn't answer my question. But I guess that is my answer.

Opening the door I walk out without a word running straight into Eliana who rushes up to me with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi Baby! I got—"

Before she can finish I crash my lips against hers and hold her in my arms as my own assurance to her. With a final kiss, I pull back and brush past her. She follows, running up to me and lacing her fingers through mine as I rush for the exit.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving, I need to get out of here."

"Ok," she tugs my hand and stops me. "Can you let me get my stuff and we can go?"

I shake my head and release her hand. "No, Eliana."

"Are you leaving me?"

The ways she says it breaks my heart and I don't want her to think that. "I'm not leaving you," I clarify. "I can't ask you to walk out in the middle of work for me."

She shrugs and steps closer to me. "Well you didn't ask. Unless you don't want me to go. You can tell me, I'll understand if you need some time alone."

I definitely don't want that. I want her with me. "Go get your stuff."

She rushes off and comes back minutes later with her bag in hand. "I told your mother that I didn't feel well. I kind of feel bad for lying."

"Goody two shoes," I tease.

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