36 ~ Wesley

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The rest of the day went by smoothly. Eliana and I did our work then went home where she cooked dinner and we ate it on the couch while watching tv with Rex. Now we lay in bed, staring into each other's eyes her tracing her fingers over my lips and me playing with the shell of her ear. 

"Baby your mom—"

I shake my head and squeeze her lips together. "I don't want to talk about my mom while we are in bed."

She sighs and cups my cheek, before sliding into me, resting her chin against my chest and looking up at me. "Ok, then let's do something else this weekend so I can give your mom an excuse for not being there."

I can understand that. Eliana is a terrible liar and if Mom asked her why we wouldn't be able to make it Eliana would crack. But if she actually has an excuse she won't have to lie or make something up.

"What do you want to do?" I ask, slipping my hand underneath my shirt that she's wearing and languidly playing with her nipples.

Her smile warms my heart and I want to see it everyday for the rest of my life. Then when she tells me to let her take me on a date, I believe I know exactly how and when I want to propose.

"There's a Mongolian restaurant on Calle Avenue. Are you okay with that?"

I nod and pull her into a kiss, pulling her bottom lip between my teeth then slipping my tongue pass them, intwining mine with hers. I just really wanted to kiss my sweet woman. "Pick me up at 2," I tease, licking her bottom lip.

She giggles and shakes her head. "It's all day baby so we'll leave at ten, but I'll make reservations for 5."

With one last kiss I turn my back to her. "I call little spoon."

She laughs and turns off the lamp before wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my neck. We end up going to sleep like that. I love being little spoon, mostly because it's funny that Eliana can barely get her arms all the way around me.

Halfway through the night I turn into her and hold her in my arms. She relaxes into my touch and I fall back to sleep.

When Saturday comes Eliana is already up and dressed in a white bikini top and blue shorts with one of my colorful short-sleeve button downs.

"Good morning, Sweetness."

She smiles and places a quick kiss to my lips then tells me to get up and get dressed while she takes Rex out for a walk and picks up some breakfast. I do just that taking a shower then slipping on blue swim shorts with a simple white shirt. If Eliana's outfit is anything to go by there is a possibility she will be taking me to the beach and I want to be prepared. After slipping on some shoes and throwing on a hat, I make up the bed and head back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Seconds after I finish, I hear the door open and Rex comes running into the room to where I am and jumping up on me.

Something has made him happy. Eliana confirms it's when she comes up to me and places a kiss to my cheek while looking down at Rex. "Someone met a girl today on our walk."

I gasp and look at my boy. "Rex you dog."

He barks up at me and shakes his tail wildly. Eliana laughs and places another kiss to my lips before smacking my ass and walking out of the bedroom. Well isn't someone saucy today. I'm excited for the day.

"Hurry up Wesley, you can eat in the car. We're taking the Jeep. Bring Rex she calls out from the kitchen."

I hook Rex back up to his leash and guide him out to where Eliana stands by the open door waiting for me with my keys in one hand and our food in the other. With Rex secured I follow Eliana out and lock the door behind me. Once we are settled in the car, Eliana passes me my food and a piece of cloth. She stares at me and I stare back wondering what I'm supposed to do with the fabric.

"Tie it around your eyes," she instructs.

I blink. "How am I going to eat?"

"It's a sandwich," she deadpans. "I'm pretty sure you can figure out how to get it to your mouth."

Rolling my eyes, I put the blindfold on then open up my breakfast sandwich eating it as she pulls off to who knows where. Maybe the beach. Wherever it is, it took us about twenty minutes to get to.

"Stay in the car. I'll guide you."

I feel her put earbuds in my ear then play music so I can't hear anything outside. She's taken away my sight and now I can't hear a single thing, but I can still feel the air as she opens the door and laces her fingers through mine.

I step out of the car and cautiously take my steps as Eliana guides me. We walk up a step and then another before she stops. One earbud comes out and she tells me to keep my eyes closed before putting the earbud back in and untying my blindfold.

Because I don't want to ruin my own surprise I keep my eyes closed. When her lips connect with mine, I obviously kiss her back. The earbuds come out, but I don't pay attention to any of my surroundings as Eliana teases me with her insistent tongue. I don't pay attention to any of my surroundings until I hear my mother's voice.

"Eliana! Wesley!"

My eyes flick open instantly and land on my mother. I look around to find we are at my parents' house. She lied to me and brought me to my father's birthday gathering. All of my family is here and I've been avoiding these events since I was 16 and started driving.

"Hey, Mom, I need to talk to Eliana for a quick second."

Her smile is so bright that it hurts me knowing we will not be staying. "Everyone is in the backyard and they are so excited to see you and meet Eliana."

When she walks in, I take Eliana's arm and pull her towards the car. "What the hell Eliana? Let's go we're leaving!"

She digs her feet in and pulls me back. Now is not the time, she deceived me. I thought we were going to have a good time with Rex and just us.

"Baby come on, don't do this."

I don't stop the glare I send in her direction, but she doesn't waver as she steps closer to me and cups my face between her hands.

"I'm right here and I won't leave your side. If anyone bullies you I'll defend you," she says with an adorable grin.

It's times like these where I hate when my mouth doesn't check in with my head first before saying something because a scoff leaves my lips and words slip out before I can stop them. "You can't even defend yourself."

Her smile falls, her hands fall, her shoulder falls and her head falls avoiding all eye contact with me. She nods and steps away from me. "You're right, we should go. It was a mistake coming here."

Shit. "Baby, I didn't me—let's just go inside and we'll hang out with my family for the day."

When she doesn't say anything I guide her toward the front door. I shouldn't have said that and I feel really bad. She's probably the only one who will be on my side here and I need her on my side.

Stopping just short of the door, I spin around to Eliana who nearly bumps into me. I pull her into a hug that we both needed. "I didn't mean that," I sigh against her head. "It's just that there aren't many good memories associated with me and my family. Forgive me, please."

She steps away from me and my heart aches slightly from the loss of contact.

"You always say stupid things when we come here. I'm trying to be understanding, but I can't do this if you continue to take your stress and fears out on me like this."


"You need to confront your problems because I really want to be with you and I don't want you holding onto this resentment, and if this is how you act when stressed out, taking it out on me and insulting me, I don't need it or want it. It's funny how you were the one who told me I shouldn't stand for that type of treatment from Jacob and here you go."

I pull her back into my arms and hold her tightly, afraid of the possibility she may disappear. She's given me so much love I can't lose her. "It won't happen again."

With a curt nod, she steps through the doors with me following. Time for the party.

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