Lu Feng was silent.

Wei Xiao continued to mess around with him. "I'm really drunk, too drunk to walk."

Lu Feng's thin lips shifted slightly.

Wei Xiao could hear his intentions clearly. He blushed. "There's, there's no need, your arm... ah..." He was forcibly picked up.

He might mess around, but it was impossible for Wei Xiao not to think about Lu Feng's arm even if he knew it had recovered. "No, no, no, I'll walk by myself, I..."

Lu Feng interrupted him. "Aren't you too drunk to walk?"

Wei Xiao: "......"

Lu Feng kissed his brow. "Be good."

Wei Xiao: "!"

Now, he was really a little drunk, drunk on his boyfriend's voice, which had the same effect as a good wine.

Then, he got even more 'drunk'.

So drunk he was intoxicated.

Early the next morning, Wei Xiao had reason to suspect that Yuan Ze was unhappy about losing when he came to find 'revenge' on them early in the morning.

Who did training at 9AM in the morning!

There was no such thing as the morning in e-sports!

What did the sun look like at 9AM? Ask any e-sports player other than Close whether they've ever seen such a thing!

Yuan Ze's reasoning was very plausible. "The semi-finals are in two days, are you even able to sleep? When Old Xie beats you 3:0, I'll accompany you in resting then, all the way until the heavens turn into a wasteland and the earth gets old!"

FTW's three little ones: QwQ

They had a feeling that there was something very scary behind those words.

Old G had also been injected with chicken blood. "Hurry up, hurry up, have you guys gone over the game replay for the eight into four? Did you analyze the problems from the second and third matches? If not, I'll help you guys."

L&P had won those two matches. They might've lost the game, but they couldn't lose out on this kind of momentum. Having the chance to beat up their opponents so soon could comfort their injured little hearts.

VIVI and the others were more subtle. They simply went into the training room first, snatching up the best positions and starting up the training programs to warm up.

They hadn't found satisfaction in the eight into four game, so they would definitely have to beat FTW up until their heads were covered in bruises through training matches!

Wei Xiao had gone wild last night. Although he wasn't too tired, he was still hollowed out.

There was no helping it...

Who told his boyfriend to be increasingly capable? If he was X-ed to death, then there was no way Close could be innocent!

Old G saw how Wei Xiao looked and quickly used his newly learned Chinese to type out: "What's the matter? Kidney deficiency?"

The people in the room who knew the situation: ".................."

Wei Xiao lifted his eyelids and looked at him. "Mm."

The people in the room who knew the situation, again: "........................"

It really was a case of one person daring to ask, and the other daring to answer. Have you guys considered how the insiders feel?!

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