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Somewhere in the Pacific

A ship rises from the depths. It is an aircraft carrier and as it settles, floating above the waves, a little girl can be seen resting on its flight deck.

The carrier, as if not wanting to awaken the child, gently lowers itself until it is resting in the water. Aboard, planes move to and fro of their own accord for the very first time as the engine spurts to life.

The noise awakens the little girl who looks up confused. She hasn't the slightest idea where she is or what's going on but as she continues looking around, a plane arrives on deck.

Seeing it, she stands but her feet give way and she falls. Not giving up, despite not being used to walking, she stands again and after a few more trials and errors finally begin making her way towards the plane.

Slowly but surely, she takes step after step, eventually reaching the other side of the flight deck but by the time she gets there, the plane vanishes and she's all alone once more.

Saddened by the disappearance of the plane, she continues with tears in her eyes towards the only "building" she sees on this strange ship. As she nears it, she spots a stairway and begins making her way up it.

There is an eerie silence as she does, each step sounding louder than the last in the never-ending void and yet, when she gets to the top she pushes the door she finds there open with eagerness.

????: Hello?

No one responds for no one is there. This saddens her even more and she's about to cry when a little bird comes flying in through the now-opened door.

It circles above her head before landing on her head. When she reaches up to grab it, however, it flies away. She doesn't know why but seeing it fly away causes her to giggle and soon she's chasing it across the flight deck.

Eventually, she catches up to the bird and manages to secure it in her grasp. Rather than harming it, however, she gently takes it and places it back on her head but being in socks without shoes causes her to slip and she falls.

Tears fill her eyes once more but before she can begin crying, the bird comes back to her and, after she sits back up, lands in her waiting hands.

As she places it back onto her head, however, something in the distance catches her eyes.

As she places it back onto her head, however, something in the distance catches her eyes

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????: What's that?





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